To Much

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The next morning dad, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn and T-dog were going into clear the court yard.

"Becareful." I said to Daryl looking towards dad who ignored me.

"Hey." He said pulling up my chin. "Don't cry ok everythings gona be alright."

When they went in we were to make noise at the fence to distract the walkers. Once they cleared the courtyard they went inside. It seemed like they were in there forever, before Daryl and Glenn came out to take us in.

"What do you think?" Dad asked as we all came in.

"Home sweet home." Glenn said.

"For the time being." Dad responded.

"It's secure?" Lori asked.

"This cell block is." Dad said.

"In the morning will find the cafeteria and the infirmary."

"We sleep in the cells?" I asked.

"I found keys on some guards. Daryl has a set to."

"I aint sleeping in no cage I'll take the perch." Daryl said.

"Come on." Carol said motioning toward the steps.

"Thank you." I said to dad. He kept walking like he didn't hear me. I felt my throat getting thick but pushed it off.

Carol and I were gona share just for now. She had went down to bring up the rest of her things.

"I'll be right out here if you need me." Daryl said peaking in the doorway.

"Okay." I said trying to keep the whimper out of my voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked coming in sitting beside me.

"Yeah just pregnant hormones ugh." I chuckled it off.

"Your dad's gona come around Em. I know he will. He loves you he's just messed up right now."

"Thank you." I said kissing his cheek.

Carol came walking in. He stood quickly heading for the door.

"Well anyway gnite." He said rushing out.

Carol and I chuckled. "You have him wrapped around your finger. You know that right?" She smiled.

"No he's just being a good guy." I said brushing it off.

"Honey please." She said. "Yes Daryl is a good guy,but he adores you. Just wait till that little one gets here. It's gona have him wrapped to."

I smiled at that thought. Would Daryl still care as much once the baby was born and I could take care of myself again?

The next morning I woke up feeling like something was wrong.

"Carol could you please get Hershal?"

"Yeah of course. Are you ok?" She asked.

"I dono honestly."

"Emma? Are you alright?" Hershal asked entering the cell.

"I think theres something wrong with the baby?"

"Have you felt her move?"

"Not since the night before." If were all infected and I lost the baby. What if it's dead inside me right now and rips me apart?

"Stop that honey. Dont let fear take over."

"But what if I die? My dad hates me he won't take care of it. I can't expect Daryl to keep taking care of everything."

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