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We continued to sit on our knees as Negan continued his speech.

"I do not appreciate you killing my men,also when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people. You killed more of my people. Not cool at all."

He paused looking around at us.

"Yeah you are gona regret crossing me real soon. The new world order is very simple. Give me your shit or I will kill you. You work for me now. You have shit you give it to me. Nasty pill to swallow but you will swallow it.....You thought you were safe, but you are not safe. So if I knock you let me in. You understand?"

"What no answer? Did you really think you could do all this without being punished? I don't wana have to kill you people. Can't work for me if your dead. But you killed alot of my people. More than I'm comfortable with. For that ya gotta pay. I'm gona beat the Holy hell out of one of you."

"This....this is Lucille." He said swinging his bat. "And she is awesome.

He walked around looking at all of us. My heart skipped when he stopped in front of Carl.

"You have one of our guns. Got alot of them." He got down into Carl's face. "Shit kid lighten up. At least cry a little."

He got up stopping again in front of Maggie.

"Jesus you look like hell. I should just put you outta your misery."

"No! No! Glenn yelled leaping towards Maggie. Dwight catching him pulling him back.

"Get him back in line."

"Don't....don't Glenn begged."

"Alright listen emotional moment I get it. So that ones free,but no more cause I will shut that shit down no exceptions."

"Sucks when you realize you don't know shit." He laughed taunted dad.

"Wait a minute." He glanced between dad and Carl. "This is your kid isn't it......where's the other one?......Is that you princess? Hmm? Emma?"

My head jerked up when he said my name.

"Well I be damned. I see why now. You are gorgeous sweetheart. Don't you worry your pretty little head theres something special planned for you."

"Just stop this." Dad yelled.

"Hey!!! Do not make me kill him." He pointed to Carl.

"I gotta pick somebody though. Everybody's waiting. I simply can not decide. How would you choose Rick? Hmm? Could be as easy as throwing a wrench through a roamer infested window right? You got no problems leaving a man to die."

Dad's head snapped up an almost sickened expression on his face.

"Oh boy......Emma dear I think daddy finally gets it. Don't ya Ricky boy? Shall we fill in the others? So many confused looks.....No, well definitely later."

Daryl looked at me with a questioning look. I sent him one back showing I had no idea what he was talking about, or how he knew my name.

"Ooooh I got an idea.....Eenie meenie miney mo catch a tiger by his toe...if he hollers let him mother told me to pick the very best one and you it. Anybody moves anybody says anything cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father. After you can breath, blink and cry."

He brought the bat down on Abraham's head. Dad and Carl both gripping one of my hands as I tried not to look.

"Suck my nuts." Abe said blood running down his face.

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