Out of left field.

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Emma's POV

I took my time getting Hunter strapped into the backseat. I watched as all but one of the trucks left ahead of us. Leaving just me Shane and three other men behind.

"What's taking so long Emma?" Shane asked coming up behind me,his chin resting on my shoulder arms around my waist.

I chuckled." Stupid seatbelt was giving me trouble. All fixed now."

"Mmm good." He said kissing my neck. "I'm ready to get you home. We have lots of time to make up for."

We parted and I finished fastening Hunter in. Shane was already in the driver's seat as I slid into the passanger side.


"Yeah, sweatheart?"

I climbed over the seat getting as close to him as I could.

"I've wanted to do this for a long time."

I leaned over pressing my lips tightly to his wrapping one of my hands tightly in his hair. He gasped and as I pulled back I watched the suprised look on his face turn to fear as the blood ran from his neck over both of us.

"I'll never be yours I belong to Daryl always will." I spat moving to slide out of the truck as he laid on the horn.

I frantically grabbed Hunter pulling her from the truck as the men approached.

"What's going on here?" One asked grabbing my arm. I struggled against his hold.

"Jesus Christ the bitch slit his throat." The other said.

I started yelling for Daryl as the one holding me ripped Hunter from my arms tossing her to the ground.

Daryl's POV

Moments later I heard an ear piercing scream followed by Emma hollering my name. I took off running towards the gate. Followed closely by Maggie and a few others.

"Get the hell off of her." I yelled pulling the man off of Emma.

Maggie grabbing a crying Hunter from the ground.

"I didn't mean it. I didn't mean it." She said clinging onto me. "I had to I had to say those things. Please forgive me."

"Em, what I don't....."

"He's dead." She whispered. "I killed him....he's dead."

I moved around to the side of the truck. Looking in I saw Shane slumped over the steering wheel.

The three men left were killed and tossed into the fire.

"Get everyone inside." I told Maggie. "The others will come back looking for them."

"Daryl, I didn't mean it....I had to...."

"Sssh, I know. It's okay I know. Come on let's get inside before they come back." I said helping her off the ground.

Emma's POV

Daryl was right not long after we were back inside they returned. Finding Shane in the truck they opened fire.

We returned fire and soon they were in their trucks running away.

I placed a now sleeping Hunter into the playpen beside Hershal's bed.

"Are you okay?" Maggie asked when she walked into the room.

"Yeah I'm okay.....Is Daryl okay?"

"Daryl's gona be fine Emma. He knows why you said the things you did."

"But will he forgive me for saying them?"

"Of course he will. You know he will. Go get cleaned up and talk to him. I've got Hunter. We have extra hands incase they return."

"Thanks Maggie." I kissed Hunter's head and went straight to the shower. I had to get Shane's blood off of me.

I scrubbed at my skin till it stung. I cried as I thought about what I had done. As horrible as he was I had just killed Shane. My dad's best friend the man who fathered my child. The man I use to depend on.

I was so caught in my thoughts I hadn't noticed when Daryl slipped in behind me. Till his arms were around my waist pulling me against him.

I turned crying against his chest.

"I'm so sorry I said those things to you. I didn't..."

"It's okay I know now why you did it."

"I killed him...I..."

"You did what you had to do Emma. Don't you dare blame yourself."

"I don't know what I ever did to deserve you."

"No, you deserve so much more than me Em."

I brought my lips to his pressing our body's as close as I could.

He began kissing down my neck causing me to moan. I pulled back a pout spreading across his face.

I chuckled. "Let's go to bed."

"Sleepy?" He smiled.

"Not even a little bit."

We hurriedly made our way to our trailer. We barely made it through the door. Before our clothes were on the floor.

"Up." He breathed grabbing my lower thighs.

I barely jumped wrapping my legs around his torso. His lips attached to mine as he walked us back to the bed.

I giggled when he gently tossed me onto the bed. Spreading my legs he hungrily sucked at my clit licking up and down my folds like he had never before.

"Oh my god Daryl." I moaned holding his head I bucked against his mouth.

He grabbed my hips pulling me closer his tongue buried inside of me. I raised up watching as he continued to devour me.

"Daryl, I'm gona cum." I barely managed to breath out.

I felt his finger slip inside me easily finding my spot sending me over the edge. Not giving me time to catch my breath he was on top me thrusting hard and deep.

"Your mine Emma,always will be."

"Oh god Daryl I'm yours." I moaned out as he continued his merciless pounding.

I felt myself clinching around him. My orgasm coming quickly.

"That's it baby come on my cock."

Moments later I came around him causing him to growl when I bit down on his shoulder.

"Get on your knees." He panted pulling out of me.

Once I was on my knees he slammed back inside of me. Grabbing my hair his thrust lunging me forward face down into the bed.

"So fucking tight Em." He moaned as he pounded hard into me.

I couldn't form words feeling him pound into me the way he was had me panting wanting more. I gasped when I felt his chest against my back and his teeth sink into my shoulder.

"Harder please." I begged pushing back against him.

His mouth leaving marks all along my shoulder blades. Finally I felt him twitch I knew he was close. I squeezed onto his cock. He growled digging his fingers into my hips. I felt him release deep inside me. He slummed against my back panting hard.

I slumped onto the bed completely exhausted. Moments later he gently pulled me onto his chest. Kissing the top of my head.

I chuckled snuggling closer onto his chest.

"What's so funny?" He chuckled once.

"There's something we need to talk about." I said leaning up onto his chest so I could see his face.

"Okay?" He said a look of concern showing.

"It's nothing bad at least I don't think it is. It's um well.....um."

He chuckled. "Spit it out Em."

"I'm pregnant."

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