Life goes on.

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"Your pregnant?" He asked. The look on his face was unreadable.

Before I could say anything he was put of bed. Walking back and forth across the floor.

"Daryl I......" He grabbed my face pressing his lips hard to mine.

"I'm gona be a dad again?" He asked laying his hand on my belly.

"Yeah your gona be a dad again."

"I love you Em." He said pressing his lips to mine again.

I chuckled. "I love you to.......So your happy?"

"Hell yes I'm happy we're having another baby." He said places kisses over my stomach.

I chuckled watching him love on my belly.

"Hunter is gona be a great big sister."

"You don't think she'll be jealous? Not having daddy all to her self anymore?" I asked.

"Noway I'll still give her plenty of attention."

"Think I could get some more of that attention?" I chuckled.

His lips were instantly back on mine. "You can have anything you want."

Over the next few months Daryl was right back to acting just like he did when I was pregnant with Hunter.

Dad and Carl were both happy about our baby news.

Daryl and I were waiting till after the baby was born before moving back to Alexandria. He wanted me to stay close to Dr. Carson just incase.

When the time came our son was born perfectly healthy. Dirty blonde hair and big blue eyes just like his daddy. We named him Jacob Merle Dixon. Life couldn't get any better than this.

~~~~~~6years later~~~~~

Alot had happened over the last few years. Daryl and I welcomed another baby boy a little over a year after Jacob was born. We named him Christopher Michael. Needless to say we had our hands full. Hunter is now 9 Jacob 6 and Christopher 4. Daryl has all 3 of them spoiled rotten.

Dad and Michonne added a little one to their mix as well. Little Rick Jr was born a few months before Christopher. Judith has grown into a beautiful strong little girl. The spitting image of Lori.

Carl suprised everyone by marrying Enid. They are expecting their first baby in a couple months.

Maggie has kept running Hilltop and had made a wonderful leader. Little Hershal is the spitting image of his daddy, Glenn would be so proud.

Carol lives at the kingdom with Eziekel. Together they have raised Henry as their own.

Rosita and Eugune suprised everyone we they announced they were having a little bundle. Little mullet junior should be here any day.

Tara hooked up with Laura one of the girls from the saviors they split their time between the sanctuary and Alexandria.

Jesus and Aaron got together a year or so after Eric died. They have a daughter Gracie who's 7.

Morgan has helped rebuild Alexandria better than it ever was.

Father Gabriel passed a couple years ago. Defending some children from a herd of walkers.

As for Negan he still spends his days locked away tightly. Maggie had given up on killing him, a year or so ago. Finally letting go of the hold he had over her.

Life slowly became somewhat normal again. We started celebrating things like we had in the past. Birthdays and holidays, summer picnics and fall fires.

We still have our hardships and the dead still roam. But we press on and continue on together.

"Baby are you coming? The others are waiting on us." Daryl asked. Hunter clinging to his back.

"Yeah come on mama." The boys said pulling at my arms.

"I'm coming guys." I smiled walking towards my family.

"I love you Em."

"I love you too Dixon. Always and forever. ❤❤❤

*We've come to the end. Hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Thank you for all the reads and likes. I appreciate all of you. Please feel free to check out my other stories.* 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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