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When they got back dad gathered everyone in C block.

"So, I met this Governor, sat with him awhile."

"Just the two of you?" Merle asked.


"Should have gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle said.

"He wants the prison. He wants us gone. Dead. He wants us dead. For what we did at Woodbury."

It was silent for a few moments as everyone looked around at each other.

"We're going to war." Dad said before walking off.

I walked to my cell and laid a sleeping Hunter in her bed.


"You don't have to worry...I won't let him hurt either of you." Daryl said standing in the doorway.

I smiled. "I know."

"Ye alright?" He asked sitting down beside me.

"Mmhm just alot on my mind."

"Wana talk about it?"

"Eventually." I smiled.

There was a long pause and then.......

"Hey Em?"


"Do you ever wonder about..."

"Sorry Daryl but Rick's looking for you and Merle." Carol said from the doorway.

I smiled shaking my head. "Go it's fine we can talk later."

He winked then stood up and left my cell.

I asked Beth to keep an eye on Hunter. I just needed to stretch my legs. I walked around some of the other cell blocks. When I got to D block I heard dad and Merle talking.

"We need your help." I heard dad say.

To which Merle started laughing.

"Do you even know why you do the things you do?" Dad asked.

Merle said nothing and if he did I didn't hear him.

"If we give the Governor Michonne, Woodbury stands down. I don't like it,but it's what's gotta be done. It needs to be quiet. We need your help for that."

"You ain't told the others huh?"

"Just Hershal, Daryl and you."

"Well well the inner circle, I'm honored......You go on....give him that girl. He ain't gona kill her, you know. He's just gona do things to her. Probably take out an eye or two......You'd let that happen for a shot?......You're cold as ice officer'll need wire nothing she can chew through."

It was quiet for a minute before Merle spoke again.

"I don't know why I do the things I do. Never did. I'm a damn mystery to me. But I know you, Rick. You ain't got the spine for it."

"We need to get her to the Governor by noon tommrow." Dad said before walking away.

I ducked back in a cell. So he wouldn't see me when he walked past.

The others were outside getting little traps set up. Incase the govenor came back.

"Hey Merle."

"Yeah doll face?"

"You don't have to do this. It ain't gotta be this way."

"What ye talking about girlie?"

"You know what I'm talking about. You don't have to do this."

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