Loving you hurts.

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"Leave with me Emma. Lets just go please. Come with me."

"Shane I can't....I can't leave dad and Carl the others."

"What about me Emma? Huh? Nothing we have means anything to you?"

"You scare me Shane. This new you scares me."

"Emma I would never hurt you. I love you."

I looked down. Not knowing what to say of course I loved him. Seeing him this way was killing me.

"Rick doesn't want us together."

I looked up. "What? How do you know?"

"That's what we argued about. He saw the marks on your neck. The day we looked for Sophia. Told me never to touch you again. To stay away from you. Said I wasn't good enough."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I dont know. What was the point?"

"Shane...I grabbed his hand. Please you have to stop this. I don't want something to happen to you."

"I can't stay here Emma. I can't look at you everyday. Not be able to hold you. Be with you the way I want to."

"So what your just gona leave?"

"Yeah I think that's best. Before I do something you'll never forgive me for. Something I can't keep out of my head."

"What Shane? What is it?"

"Emma!!" We heard dad shouting.

"You better go. Before daddy has a fit."
He started to walk off.

"Shane? Barn tonight? So we can talk."

He shook his head walking off.

I walked to where dad was standing with Lori.

"Hey what's going on?"

"Emma I want you to stay away from Shane. He's not stable right now."

"Dad Shane wouldn't hurt me."

"Just listen for once."Lori said.

"Lori stop I can handle this."

"Emma I know you and Shane have been close. But I'm telling you to stay away."

"Someone has to help him dad. We cant just..."

"Emma stay away from him." He yelled.

They walked away towards the house.

After everyone was in their tents that night. I headed to the barn.

"Didn't think you were coming." Shane said.

"I had to wait for everyone to get settled."

"So did Rick and Lori tell you to stay away from me?"

"They did."

"But here you are." He said coming closer.

"Shane stop."

"That's funny last time we were completely alone. You were telling me not to stop." His hand brushed across my stomach.


"I miss you Emma. Come here please."
He opened his arms for me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck. His held me tight at my waist.

"This is where you belong Emma in my arms."

"Shane please you have to stop. You can't be this way. Please."

He grabbed my face bringing his lips to mine. As much as I wanted to push him away I couldn't. He lifted me up my legs going around his waist. I wanted it as much as he did. I gave in letting him take control.

We spent the night in the barn. Over and over Shane made love to me. We barely slept. I wanted to get up and back to my tent before anyone woke up.

I got up quietly putting my clothes on. I bent down kissing his lips.

"Hey where you going?"

"Sorry didn't wana wake you. I need to get back before the others wake up."

"Will you think about it please?"

"Shane I love you,but I can't leave them."

"Then don't hate me okay?"

"I don't hate you Shane."

"There may come a time when you do. Just remember how much I love you please."

I nodded my head. "I love you to."

I kissed him then left the barn. Going back to my tent.

My mind wondered to Shane all day. I kept hoping he would magically. Just be the Shane he was before.

"Hey you okay?" Maggie asked sitting down.

"Yeah just alot on my mind."

"Do you wana talk about it?"

"Maybe later." I smiled.

"Emma, Daryl is looking for you."Carl said. Running up to us.

"He's awful fond of you. Isn't he?" Maggie grinned.

I laughed shaking my head. I walked off looking for Daryl.

"Hey Carl said you were looking for me."

"Yeah I have something for you."

He pulled out a necklace. With a crossbow on it.

"I found it when me and Glenn went to town. Thought you might like it."

"I love it. Thank you." I said hugging him. "Help me put it on?"

I held my hair up while Daryl clipped the necklace on.

"It's great Daryl thank you."

"It's no big deal." He said looking down.

I playfully pushed him then laid my head on his shoulder.

"Do you think we're gona be okay?"

"Yeah we're gona be fine. I won't let anyone hurt ye."

"Just so you know your never aloud to die and leave me." I chuckled.

"Don't plan on it half pint." He chuckled. Kissing my forehead.

"Daryl." We heard dad yelling.

We walked to the house together.

Dad needed him to help get Randall ready they were gona take him a few miles out. Give him some supplies and send him on his way. Dad and Shane were gona be the ones to take him out.


"We will....Help Lori with Carl okay?"

"I will.......You okay dad?"

"I'm fine baby." He kissed my head.

When they left I had a nagging feeling something was wrong.

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