Begging for rain.

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We eventually made it to Noah's town. Dad,Ty,Noah,Glenn and Michonne went ahead to check before the rest of us went. We stayed a little ways back waiting.

"Do you think it's safe?" I asked Daryl.

"I hope so for you and Hunter. Judy and Carl to."

I chuckled wrapping my arms around his waist.

"What's funny?"

"I just love you."

He kissed my forehead. "I love you to."

"Daryl do you copy?" Dad's voice came over the walkie.

"We're here."

"We made's gone."

"Poor Noah." Beth said starting to cry.

I went to the backseat of the van to check on Judy and Hunter.

"Em? You alright?" Daryl asked climbing in beside me.

"Yeah I'm okay. I just...I just want a place they can be safe." I said.

His hand came up lifting my chin.

"We'll find someplace where they can be safe. I'm not gona let anything happen to my family."

"Thank you." I said pressing my lips to his.

He pulled me onto his lap. " You don't have to thank me. It's my job to keep my girls safe."

I smiled. "I love you Daryl Dixon."

He smirked. "I love you Emma Grimes." A funny look coming over his face.

"What's that look for?" I asked.

"Nothing Em." He said pulling me against his chest.

A little later they came back. I knew something was wrong when dad stepped outta the van.

He walked over to Sasha. We knew what had happened when she hit her knees. I cried burying my head in Daryl's chest. Poor Ty he was gone.

Later Daryl,Dad,Glenn and Abraham dug a grave for Ty.

About 40miles out from Washington both vehicles were outta gas. With no prospect of finding gas in this rural area we had to walk.

We had been walking for what seemed like forever. All of us hungry water running dangerously low. A group of walkers following close behind us. None of us really strong or energized enough to take them on.

Daryl's POV

I watched as Emma struggled to keep up.


"Yeah, what's up?"

"Walk with your sister a minute I need to talk to Rick."

"Rick we gotta stop or find some water soon. Emma has been feeding both girls. Her body can't take much more.

"Guys stop!" Carl yelled.

I ran to the back of the group Emma had passed out. I handed Hunter to Carol. Picking Emma up while Rick tried to get a little water in her mouth.

"Their getting closer." Maggie said of the walkers following us.

"Up there at that embankment. Some of us on each side. Push them off and down the hill." Rick said.

I carried Emma a little ways ahead sitting her down with Carol and Beth.

Things were going fine until Sasha started killing them. Causing the rest of us to have to flank her. Using up what little energy we did have.

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