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Shane and Otis were going to a nearby Fema camp to get supplies Hershal needed to try and save Carl.

"Becareful alright?" I said.

"I will. Don't look at me like you ain't gona see me again."

"What if I don't?"

"Hey I'm gona come back okay I promise. Don't cry baby."

He pulled me in for a hug whispering in my ear so noone could hear. "I love you Emma."

"I know...I love you to."

A huge smile spread across his face. "Yeah?"

I shook my head.

"Hold that thought till I get back okay?" He said kissing my head.

We sat with Carl. Dad started telling the story of how Shane stole the principals car and parked it in a chicken coupe.

"Shane will make it back. Carl's gona be okay." He said hugging me.

Hershal came in checking Carl's pressure again. I'm not sure how much more time we have.

We walked outside to get some air. I heard Lori talking to dad. Saying maybe this was how it was suppose to be. Maybe Carl wasn't meant to make it. Getting mad I walked out into the yard.

"Emma where you going?" Dad yelled.

"Away so I don't say something I might regret."  I yelled back.

What the hell is wrong with her? Who thinks something like that? I hate her.

Hershal yelled Carl was awake we all went running.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"Hey little man." Dad said "That's Hershal we're in his house."

"Where's Emma?"

"She's here." Dad said pulling me forward.

"Hey buddy."

"You should have seen it Emma."

"What?" I smiled.

"The deer it was so pretty. I was really close. I've never been....."

He got quiet his eyes rolling back.

"Carl? Carl!!!" I yelled.

He stated bouncing and jerking. Hershal said it was a seizure. He just had to go through it.

"His pressure is dropping. He's losing blood to fast. We can't wait any longer or he's just gona slip away. I need to know right now if you want me to do this cause I think he's outta time."

"Tell me what to do Lori." Dad said. "What do we do?"

"We do it."

Hershal and Patricia started getting things ready.

"Rick, Lori you might want to take your daughter out of here." Hershal said.

We heard a vehicle approach and headlights coming.

"Shane?" I said running for the door.

He got out of the truck carrying the things Hershal needed.

I ran to him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Carl is he?" Shane asked.

"He's still alive."

Hershal frantically grabbed the bags.

Otis? He asked.

Shane shook his head.

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