Law of averages.

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The past six months had it's ups and downs. We lost Noah and Adien after some trouble on a run. Dad fought Jessie's husband Pete after finding out he was hitting her.

Pete although I'm sure dad was his original target, killed Deanna's husband Reg, and at Deanna's request dad killed Pete.

The same night Aaron and Daryl had come back from a recruit with Morgan. A man who had helped dad in the begining,after he left the hospital.

While trying to find a place to bury Pete outside the walls. Dad and Morgan came across a quarry. Filled with walkers hundreds of them. A plan was made to lead them away.

That went a little south half of the herd came for Alexandria. Daryl,Sasha and Abe leading the rest away. When they got seperated Daryl's bike,vest and crossbow was stolen by some jackass and his girlfriend. Who he had tried to help.

Alexandria was also attacked by a group of people who called themself the wolves.

At one point the walkers got into Alexandria. That's when we lost Deanna she was bit. Jessie and her son Sam were killed by walkers also as we tried to escape. Ron Jessie's oldest tried to kill dad, but was killed by Michonne.

Not before firing a shot hitting Carl in the eye. Thankfully thanks to Denise he pulled through and is recovering nicely.

Everyone in Alexandria had came together that night. Taking out the walkers and fixing the wall.


"I don't like that your going." Daryl complained for the millionth time.

"Come on I haven't been outside the walls in months. Besides I'll be with you and dad. I couldn't be any safer." I smiled at him.

"You know you can't bat those pretty little eyes or shake that ass,and expect to get your way all the time."

I chuckled. "Why not? It's worked so far."

"You little shit." He said turning from the dresser stalking towards me.

"Daryl...don't." I chuckled throwing up my hands in surrender.

"Naw you got it coming girl." He smiled as he tackled me to the bed. Tickling my sides.

"Ok...ok." I laughed. "You win."

I love moments like this. When he's being silly, no guards up. No cares just us enjoying each other.

"What are you doing Dixon?" I snickered as he raised my shirt. Placing light kisses all over my belly.

"Trying to turn my wife on." He said between kisses.

"Your wife has been turned on." I chuckled.

"Mmm know.....Hunter needs a baby brother."

"Does she?" I breathed out. The closer he got to my panty line the harder my breathing was.

"Mmhm." He whispered as he grabbed my panties slidding them down my legs.

A knock came at the door. Causing me to groan.

"No not now." I pouted.

Daryl chuckled. "What is it?"

"Rick sent me to get you. He's ready to go." Michonne yelled through the door.

"Tell him we'll be there in ten minutes." He said looking down at me.

I bit my lip. The lust in his eyes driving me crazy.

We could hear Michonne laugh as she walked away.

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