Frogs and Maytags

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The next morning I woke up Shane's arm still wrapped around me. I tried to move but he was holding me to tight.

"Shane." I whispered.


"Let me up."

"Mm don't leave."

"Shane we need to get up."

I rolled onto my back trying to get up that way. He just pulled me closer putting his leg over mine.

I chuckled slightly. "Shane let me up."

"Girl lay still."

"Okay if that's how you wana play."

I reached over tickling his side's. He started thrashing around. When I tried to climb over him he grabbed me holding me so that I was straddling his waist.

"Okay you win let me go."

"No I kinda like you like this."

"Shut up!"

"Aww are you blushing?"

He moved into a sitting postion me still on his lap.

"Shane,come on let me go if someone comes."

So what he ran his nose around my collarbone.

"Stop." I breathed.

"Doesn't feel like you want me to stop."

I hadnt noticed I was grinding into his lap. I quickly stopped.

"Shane we can't."

"Can't what?" He said placing light kisses on my neck.

I moaned softly he grabbed my my hips moving me so I was grinding into him again.

"Mmm Emma." He whispered. Causing me to moan again.

"Shane you have to stop."

"I want you Emma."

He held my face in his hands. Just as his lips touched mine.

"Shane? Hey Shane you awake?" We heard Dale asking.

"Goddamn it." He whispered.

"Yeah I'm awake be right there."

"We're gona finish this later." He said kissing my forehead.

When he left the tent I laid there thinking about what the hell had just happened. Was Shane into me? Or was he just trying to get laid? Either way he's my dad's best friend it couldn't happen again. I did my best to avoid him the rest of the day. He kept giving me confused looks which I ignored.

Dad, T-dog, Glenn, and Daryl were gona go back into the city to get Merle. Shane and Lori were pissed.

I felt bad for Daryl who was freaking out about Merle.

"I hope Merle's okay." I said to Daryl.

"Um thanks. I'm sure he's gona be fine."


"Mmhm will."

I chuckled slightly at his awkwardness.
"See ya later."


"What were you and Dixon talking about?" Shane asked.

"Just Merle." I said.
"What's Mmhm mean?"
"Laughing and you were just talking about his brother?"

"Shane?" Lori said. "Carl's looking for you."

Shane kept his promise taking Carl to catch frogs. I sat with the other girls helping out with the laundry.

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