Getting Closer

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I couldn't believe my eyes, when I walked into the cafeteria.

"Shane?.......Shane is that you?" She asked shock clear on her face.

"Beth?....What are you...? Is Emma?"

"We thought you were dead?"

"I'm sure you did. Is that what Rick told everyone?"

"Yes. How did you get here? What happened?"

I told Beth what had happened that day. She told me what had happened to them after they lost the farm. I couldn't believe how many times I had been so close to her. Woodbury and again when the Govenor wanted to attack a prison. It had been our group, it was Emma.

"Is she alive Beth?"

"I don't know. I got out with Daryl. I don't know what happened to everyone else."

"How long ago?"

"I'm not sure honestly. Maybe a few weeks."

"Any idea where they would head to? Did they ever say anything?"

"No, no place that I know of."

"Was she okay? I mean has she been okay?"

"She's been fine. It was hard on her, hard on Rick too."

"Screw Rick that prick left me to die."

The conversation pretty much stopped at that point. It seemed like there was more she wasn't telling me. I'd eventually get it out of her.

A few days later another one was brought in Carol. The rest of them had to be close. A day later I left with a couple guys. I was determined to find her.

We walked forever not even sure if we were headed in the right direction. I was starting to doubt this guys tracking abilities.

Before nightfall we came upon a small church. A few strangling walkers came our way, we took them down easy enough.

"Who are you?" A man asked walking from the opposite side of the church.

"The names Shane looking for some friends of ours that may have come through here. You seen anyone?"

"I haven't. What's your friend's name?"

"Rick Grimes he's with a group. Not sure how many now we got seperated."

The man lowered his walking stick and removed his head covering.

"Names morgan,I'm also looking for Rick Grimes. Meet him back when this first started." 

"You found him after the hospital?"

"Yeah that's right. Looks like we just missed them. Maybe a day or so."

"Always seemed to be a step behind."

"Least we know where their heading."

"We do?" I asked confused as to what he meant.

"We do." He said handing me a map. A route mapped out to Washington D.C.
A note at the bottom.

"Sorry I was an ass the new world is gona need Rick Grimes."

I smiled as I read the note. Gotcha Rick. I'm coming Emma, I'm coming baby.

Emma's POV

"Everything okay dad?" I asked as we searched for a better vehicle or vehicles to carry us all.

"Everything's fine hunny." He said continuing to check the car he was in.

"Are you sure? You seem off since talking with Beth."

"It's nothing Em." He said getting out of the car. Placing a kiss on my forehead. "Don't worry."

"Okay daddy." I said going back to where Daryl was working on getting a van running.

"So what's up?" Daryl asked as soon as I reached him.

"He says nothing, but I don't buy it. Something has him worried."

"You gotta just trust him Em."

"Yeah I suppose."

He grabbed Hunter when she reached for him. 


Daryl and I looked at each other shocked.

"Did she just say Da-da." Maggie asked smiling.

"Hunter did you say Da-da?" I cooed at her.

"Da-da." She babbled again pulling at Daryl's chin.

I looked at Daryl he had a small smile on his face and a tear at the corner of his eye. He glanced at me then back to her.

"That's right baby Da-da." He said kissing her head. Pulling me close to his side.

"Say Ma-ma Hunter."



"Da-da." She laughed staring at Daryl.

Daryl,Maggie and Glenn chuckled as I frowned.

"It's okay baby. She's just a daddy's girl." Daryl said kissing my head.

I playfully smacked his arm and called Hunter a trader before kissing her little cheek.

She kept everyone entertained for awhile. They all laughed and awwed hearing her holler for Daryl.

"Da-da huh? Well I guess he kinda is isn't he? He's been with her from the second she was born." Dad chuckled.

"He is. Even if it's not blood. He's her daddy. He loves her,she loves him." I smiled.

"I know baby. I'm glad you and Hunter are happy. Daryl's good for both of you. Don't ever forget that." He said a weird look crossing his face.

"I won't dad. Are you sure your ok?"

He chuckled. "I'm fine." He said walking off.

The way dad had been acting had me worried. I decided the next chance I got I was talking to Beth.

We finally found a couple vans. We were all talking about where we should go. When Beth and Noah mentioned Virginia where his family is. He told us about how they had a safe community set up. Without the prospect of anywhere else to go we decided to give it a try. After gathering some supplies we headed off. I noticed dad suddenly seemed to be in a big hurry.

Rick's POV

Glenn,Carl and I had gone out to collect some supplies before heading to Virginia. As we left the pharmacy we were in. I caught sight of a few men  going into a store at the other end of the lot. Taking out my binoculars I froze. Shane was very much alive.

My thoughts flew to Emma and Hunter. They were both happy and safe. I wasn't going to let him ruin that. Hurrying Carl and Glenn along with threat of walkers we made our way back to the others and quickly set out for Virginia. My only thought was to put as many miles between Shane and Emma as possible.

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