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Rick's POV

I stopped when we came to the four way. Shutting off the car I got out. Taking the keys with me.

"Thought we were going further?" Shane questioned.

"We are 18miles out."

"So why are we stopping?"

"I wana talk been waiting till we were gona do this."

"We don't need to."

"No we do."

"Man we don't we're doing this. I get it. He was out when y'all brought him back. Doesn't know where the farm is."

"That isn't what I wana talk about."

"Well what is it?"

"I know what happened with Otis."

It was quiet between us as Shane looked everywhere but at me.

Finally he spoke.

"Yeah one of us wasn't gona make it out. It had to be him. It saved Carl's life. I did what I had to."

"You don't think I would have done it?"

"No you wouldn't have."

"You don't think I can keep Carl or Emma safe?"

"I didn't say that. You can't be the good guy and live."

"I'm not the good guy anymore. To save Carl's life I would have done anything."

"Now Lori says your dangerous. But your not gona be dangerous. Not to me or anyone else not anymore."

"How bout you look at me." I yelled.

"You and Emma when I figured it out. And I caught on pretty fucking quick. I wanted to break your jaw. But I didn't it took everything I had not to."

"That is my daughter. I will stay alive to keep her don't love her you think you do but you don't. The only way we move forward. Is that you understand right now. My daughter is off limits to you. You will never touch her again."

I started to walk away back to the car.

"When it started it just happened so quick. Just little stories on the news. Two weeks later I'm in the hospital and people are getting shot not walkers people. I tried to get you out I tried,but we weren't gona make it. I couldn't live with it,but I had to. I didn't keep them alive. Emma kept me alive man......I want you to know I didn't look at her before. When she was young I would never. Brother if I could undo it I would. I love her Rick. I'm sorry but I do."

Shane's POV

I listened to Rick talk about me and Emma. Him being her father was the only reason he didn't get a bullet right then. That and my guilt. Somewhere in me I knew it was wrong. Falling in love with her. But I did and I don't regret it. He made it perfectly clear. I would never be with her. I knew we couldnt sneak around forever. Once we got back in the car I listened as he rambled on about weather and walkers.

"We've gone more than 18miles." I said.

"Yeah I'm looking for a good place. Give him a fair shot."

I sat staring out the window regretting what I was gona have to do to have Emma. This wasn't my fault. He just couldn't leave it alone.

Rick's POV

"There that's the place. We'll leave him here scavage some supplies.

"Over there." Shane nodded.

We killed the Two walkers we found
lingering around the gate.

We pulled the car in. Getting the boy out.

"The hell is this?" Randall asked.

We took off his hood and earphones,and started walking away.

"Come on I owe you guys. I can help protect what ya got. Why would you save me then leave me here? One guy can't make it alone. That's why I was with those dudes. I went to school with Maggie."

That got our attention we stopped turning to him.

"You went to school with Maggie?" I asked.

"Answer the question." Shane yelled.

"She didn't know me. Didn't know I existed. We didn't hang in the same group."

"He knows where the farm is Rick. What if he finds his way back to his people?"

Shane pulled out his gun firing at the kid. I pushed him and the bullet hit the ground.

"Not now Shane. Just not now."

"Well when Rick? When?"

"When I've had a chance to think about it."

"Don't let him kill me. Please don't."

"Shut up." I said.

"We're going back. It's a mans life. I need a night to think it through."

"You gona bring this piece of garbage back? This little fucker who shot at you. You gona bring him back to where Emma sleeps?"

"He'll be locked up in the barn. Unless you bust it open."

"Oh don't start that bunch of shit. The only choice is the one that keeps us alive. Keeps Carl and Emma alive."

"Stop acting like you know all the rules and ways. There are no rules. We're lost."

"I'm not lost man I know where I am. And what I'd do to keep her safe."

"It's my call."

"I don't think you can do it man. I don't think you can keep them safe. I'm not gona let you get her killed."

That started the fight. We went back and forth. Shane going for my gun.

"Your not doing this. You don't get to make decisions involving my daughter I won't let you."

He picked up an ax flinging it at my head. I ducked sending it straight into a window. Walkers started climbing out by the dozens. I killed one using it for cover. Shane took off running.

I finally found my gun. Killing three walkers that had got me down. I got to Randall. Just as he tried to run off.

"Where you think your going?"

"What did you expect me to do? Just let me go."

"Shut up."

"You wana stay here? Help the guy that just tried to bash your head in? They don't see us we can get out of here."

I thought about what he said for a minute. Then I thought about Emma.

"Let's go."


"He did this. It's on him."

"Oh hell ya thank you."

Shane's POV

I watched as the car faded from view. He left me. Son of a bitch he just left me. Emma my only thoughts were her.
Would he tell her I was dead? Would she be okay?

I cried for the first time in a long time. Not for myself but for her.

Hours later or what seemed like hours. I knew he wasn't coming back. By now Emma probably thinks I'm dead.

Fuck this if I'm gona die I'm gona die trying.

"I love you Emma." I said before running to the back of the bus.

Walkers filled the bus as I jumped out the back. I ran as much as I could with my leg all fucked up.

Out of site of walkers. I found a house. It was empty of walkers and I managed to find a few supplies.

I'm coming Emma I'll get back to you baby. Rick is gona regret crossing me.

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