Then there were three.

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"Hey, you seen Dad? I asked Maggie and Glenn.

"Yeah he's in the courtyard. You seen my dad?" She asked.

"No sorry, I haven't." I replied.

"He might be on A ........

An explosion came from the north guard tower.

We ran for the fence when we heard the governor yelling for my dad.

"Come on down Rick, we need to talk." He said.

"I don't make the decisions anymore. Theres a counsel now." Dad replied back.

"Is Hershal on that counsel? What about Michonne?" He asked as two men pulled Hershal and Michonne from a truck,throwing them to the ground.

"No!!" Both Maggie and Beth shouted.

We stood watching as dad and the governor went back and forth. We couldn't hear everything,but the basics was he wanted the prison and wanted us gone. When the govenor jumped down from the tank,and put Michonne's katana to Hershal's neck we all held our breaths.

"Emma go get Hunter and Judith we need to be prepared to leave." Daryl said quietly.

"I don't wana leave you." I whispered.

"I'll be fine go get our daughter and your sister." He smiled slightly.

"I love you." I said kissing his cheek. Before I ran into the prison.

I was gathering up supplies for the girls when another blast hit the prison. A chunk of something hitting me before everything went black.

When I woke there was dust flying and walkers everywhere. I ducked into a cell pulling a dead walker in with me. Covering a sheet in walker blood I put it over me and exited the cell.

I carefully walked around looking for anyone. All I found was dead bodies. When I made it to the court yard the bus was gone. Everything was destroyed walkers and smoke everywhere.

When I noticed two car seats by the guard post onside the courtyard. I became ill both were empty and covered with blood.

I hit my knees crying attracting the attention of a few walkers.

"Emma!Emma! Run!" I heard Glenn shouting.

I couldn't make my legs move and honestly I didn't want to. My daughter was dead. I didn't wana live. I sat there waiting for the pain of the walkers to come.

Instead I was hoisted up onto Glenn's shoulder as he ran towards C block.

"Emma come on say something please." He cried hugging me.

"She's gone. Hunter she's gone." I sobbed.

"We don't know that for sure. Come on we gotta get out of here. We gotta find our family." He said.


"No don't..don't you say it. We're gona find them."

I nodded.

We went through the block collecting what we could. Glenn put on the guard gear, and I recovered the sheet with walker guts. We ran out of C block and into the courtyard. Fighting our way through to the storage perch.

One of the girls that had been with the governor was sitting there. She didn't acknowledge us. Glenn picked up her gun.

"You didn't fire a shot?" Glenn asked.

She shook her head no.

"Okay, let's go." Glenn said.

She sat there looking down making no attempt to move.

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