Alarms Blaring

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Rick's POV

"What the hell happened?" I yelled up to Hershal. Him Beth and Carol had barricaded themselves behind a side gate.

"Someone opened the gate." Beth said.

"Where's Emma,Carl Lori everyone else?" I asked.

"Maggie led Carl and Lori into C block."


"I couldn't tell. I'm sorry" Beth said.

"I'm going this way. I'm gona try and find Emma you go get Carl." Daryl said.

"Daryl?....find my girl please." I said before he sprinted off.

An alarm started blaring. We ran trying to get the damn alarms to stop blaring.

We finally got the alarms shut off and made it back to the court yard.

"You didn't find them?" Hershal asked.

"We thought maybe they came out here." Glenn said. 

"Daryl and Glenn you come with.....I stopped when I heard a baby crying.

I saw Maggie walk out holding a baby. I wasn't really sure if it was Lori or Emma? But I knew I had just lost one of them.

Maggie was sobbing holding onto the baby.

"Which...which one is..."

"Lori." Maggie continued sobbing.

"Emma...did...did you see..."

Daryl's POV

I watched as Rick sobbed for the loss and of Lori and Emma. There was noway she was alive. Those tombs are filled with walkers.

"Rick? Rick you with me?" I asked waving my hand in front of his face.

He suddenly jumped up. "I gotta find my daughter." He said as he took off running into the prison.

We ran behind me,Glenn,Oscar and Axel. We checked every hall every tomb every cell. We found T-dogs body. We looked for hours. There was no sign of her.

Going back to the court yard. I looked at the baby in Hershal's arms. Emma I thought the baby I would never see them again. I faintly heard something about the baby needing food.

"I'll go." I said I had to get away before I broke down.

Maggie and I went. She tried comforting me about Emma, but I didn't wana hear it. Cause it was never gona be okay.

When we got back I took the crying baby from Beth giving her a bottle. She calmed down. I smiled down at her bouncing her in my arms. Before reality sunk in this wasn't Emma's baby.

She was dead the baby would never...I handed the baby to Maggie and walked off. Going into the field to dig a grave for the two people that had been my reason to live for months.

Rick was off in his own little world. Hiding out in the boiler room.

I went to check the tombs taking Carl and Oscar along the kid needed something to do. I told him about my mom and he talked about his. When he talked about Emma. I had to walk ahead to keep him from seeing my eyes tear up. A walker came at us from outta nowhere. Throwing us off but we got it down.

"Must have been in one of the last cells we didn't check those last night." Oscar said.

I got closer pulling the knife from it's throat. "That's Emma's knife."

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