To hope or not to hope.

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By the time the situation was under control. Eugune had shot up the truck. Hitting the gas tank causing all the fuel to leak out.

When we left Rosita started following us. Prompting the other two to gather their things and follow as well.

After walking for awhile we came across a sign. For a place called Terminus. Claiming to be a safe haven.

Glenn and I agreed if the others had saw this they would head there. So we decided it was our best option.

Tara and Eugune seemed to be bonding over video game talk. Glenn and I not saying much unless it was to each other.

Later we made camp for tue night near an old factory.

"You need to get some sleep. I haven't seen you do it yet." Abraham said.

"I can't....I don't want to. I don't want the dreams that are gona come."I sighed.

"It was pretty bad huh?" Who are you searching for?"

" baby daughter and baby sister are gone. My dad brother Daryl......" I tried hard to hold back the sob rising in my chest.

It was hard thinking of all of them,but my two hunters being gone was breaking me. I wasn't sure I even wanted to go on. If we don't find them soon. I'm just not sure what's left in this world for me.

"I'm sorry for what you've lost. You three should really just come with us to Washington, be apart of something." Abraham said.

"I won't leave without my family and neither will Glenn. You can talk till your blue. We're not leaving them." I got up and walked to where Glenn had sat down.

"Are you okay"? He asked after a few minutes.

"No...Are you?"


"We're gona find them right?"

He grabbed my hand. "We'll find them Emma. They made it I know they did. You can't lose hope. I can't do this without you."

Glenn noticed I was crying and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. We sat there like that the rest of the night.

The next morning we set out again following the train tracks towards Terminus.

"Glenn....look." I said pointing ahead.

There was another sign for Terminus. Only this time there was more.

"Glenn go to Terminus. Maggie,Bob and Sasha." The sign read.

Glenn took off running as soon as he seen it. I was close behind him. I was happy for the sign,but couldn't help but think about the names that weren't there.

A ways down Glenn and Abraham argued over stopping and resting for awhile. Glenn finally won over when he offered Eugune his riot gear.

We soon came to another sign from Maggie. Wrote across a wall leading down a railway tunnel.

"We're close it's still wet." Glenn said.

We could hear walkers snarling in the tunnel. We couldn't go up and over. So it was either go through it. Or go around and lose a day.

Glenn and I wanted to go through. Abraham wanted to go around.

Abraham decided it was to risky to take the tunnel. So we were going to part ways. He gave us a few cans of food and a flash light.

"I'm sorry I hit you in the face." Glenn told Abraham.

He chuckled. "I'm not...I like to fight."

"You take care of yourself you hear." He said patting my shoulder.

"Besafe,watch out for each other." Rosita said hugging each of us.

"Your all three good people." Eugune said. "I have to say Emma,Tara you are both seriously hot."

"Yeah I like girls." Tara replied.

"I'm well aware...And Emma has someone. Still it needed to be said."

Glenn bowed his head chuckling at Eugune.

"If you get in trouble in there and need to come to us we'll be back at the last crossing finding a ride." Abraham said.

"Thanks." We said before walking into the tunnel.

About a mile in the ceiling had caved in crushing walkers. Glenn walked over them. I knew without asking why he was checking them all. Once we both got to the top of the rock pile. We saw at least 20more walkers ahead. Glenn checked everyone. None of them were ours.

"Glenn we can't we don't have enough ammo." Tara whispered.

"Then we push through." I said. "Make a way somehow."

We sat the flashlight on one side to draw the walkers. While we climbed over the other side. Tara slipped getting her foot stuck in the rocks. Glenn and I tried pulling but couldn't get it lose.

"Go both have to go. Find your family. Leave me...before it's to late." Tara cried. "You guys can't save me."

"We're not leaving you." I said.

"Even if you guys get this off I can't run. I'll only slow you down."

"There's gotta be a way there has to." Glenn whispered.

"Guys their coming."

"We're not leaving you."  I yelled.

"Get out of her Go!!" She screamed.

"No!" Glenn and I both yelled using what ammo we had to kill the closest ones. Going at the others by hand.

Suddenly a bright light filled the tunnel and we heard squealing tires.

"Get down." We heard Abraham yell.

They started shooting down the rest of the walkers.

When the last walker fell Maggie came running for Glenn. I hugged Bob and Sasha. Before Maggie grabbed for me.

"I'm so glad your okay." She said.

"I'm glad your okay to."

We decided to stay in the tunnel for the night.

I half listened as Abraham told the others about Eugune and Washington.

As happy as I was for Glenn and Maggie. My mind kept wondering to Hunter and Daryl. I knew she was gone,but maybe he was to.

"There's no reason tommrow why we can't all load up and go to Washington." Abraham stated.

"He's right...I'm gona go." Tara said.

"I'm not....I'm not ready to give up. I'm going to Terminus. If dad or....Daryl.."

I struggled against the lump that rose up in my throat. That was the first time I had said his name out loud in awhile.

"If their alive...if they saw the signs that's where they'd go." I barely got out before having to walk off.

"Emma, Daryl and Rick their strong. Their fighters if anyone made it. They did, I know it." Maggie said rubbing my shoulder.

"I wana believe that Maggie. I do, I can't go on without him and Hunter I can't."

By mid morning of the following day we had made it to Terminus.

As we walked through the gates. There were small gardens and plants growing everywhere. The closer we got a woman came into view.

"You look like you've been on the road awhile." She said.

"We have." Maggie replied.

"Well let's get you settled and get you a plate. I'm Mary welcome to Terminus."

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