Loses and Pain.

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A few days had went by. Daryl was back up on his feet. We spent alot of time together. I avoided Shane as much as I could. He would watch Daryl and I alot. He was watching us now as we ate breakfast.

Um..guys...so the barn is full of walkers. Everybody looked to Glen and then each other. Shane and I locked eyes. I turned away quickly.

We all walked to the barn. Shane peaked through a crack.

"You can not tell me your alright with this?" Shane said to dad.

"No im not, but this isn't our land."

"Oh give it a rest man this is our lives."

"We can't just sweep this under the rug." Andrea said.

"We either get in there and make things right or we just go."

"We can't go."

"Why Rick why?"

"Cause my daughters still out there." Carol said.

"Okay...okay I think its time we all start to consider the other possibility."

"Shane...we are not leaving Sophia behind." I said.

"I'm close to finding her I just found her doll a couple days ago." Daryl said.

"You found a doll Daryl that's what you found a doll." Shane sneered.

"You dont know what they hell your taking about." Daryl yelled.

"I'm just saying what needs to be said."

"Let me tell you something else man. If she was alive out there. Saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife,and geek ears around your neck she'd run."

Daryl and Shane went at each other. All of us trying to keep them apart.

"I'll beat your ass boy." Shane yelled.

"Back off." I said pushing Shane back.

"Keep your hands off me." Shane yelled in my face.

Don't talk to her that way." Daryl said going at him again.

"Stop this. Dad yelled. I'll talk to Hershal."

"What ya gona do? What ya gona figure out?" Shane yelled at dad.

"Hey stop." I said. Pushing him back.

"Hershal sees them as people. Dale said. His wife and stepson are in there."

"You knew?" Shane scoffed.

"Yesterday I talked to Hershal. Dale said.

"And you waited the night?" Shane asked.

"We made it through." Dale replied.

"Man this is crazy Rick." Shane yelled.

Shane stayed by the barn after everyone else. I walked over after everyone had left.

"What is going on with you Shane?"

"Not a damn thing Emma."

"Your losing it Shane."

"And who's faults that?"

"Me? Your blamimg me? I'm not the one flying into jealous ragges over friends."

"Friends my ass. He's all over you."

"Do you hear yourself? Do you?"

"Leave me the hell alone Emma go back to your redneck."

"I will you go back to Andrea. I knew it was a mistake ever fucking you."

He started to say something but I walked off. Once out of his sight I broke down.

"Emma you alright?" Dale asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said wiping my face.

"Anyone ever told you. Your a horrible liar?"

I chuckled. "Maybe once or twice."

"Listen I don't know whats going on with you and Shane. Its not my bussiness. All that matters to me is that your okay."

"I'm okay Dale."

"You don't know him. I fear."

"What do you mean Dale?"

"I'm not sure. Just be careful and watch yourself please." He said before walking off.

Later there was alot of tension between Dale and Shane something had happened out in the woods.

Dad was in a huff after talking with Hershal. Daryl was pushing himself to find Sophia. Acting mad at the world again. Shane and dad had another go at it. I'm still not sure what all thats about.

Dad went off with Hershal. Hearing alot of screaming from the porch area Daryl and I took off running that direction. Shane was there passing out guns.

"Shane what are you doing?"

"Time to grow up Emma. Time to protect what we care about."

"Shane, Hershal doesn't want us having those." I said.

"Quite frankly I don't give a damn what Rick and Hershal want."

"What is wrong with you Shane? You do this theres no coming back." I said.

"I'm protecting what's mine." He growled at me.

"What about you Daryl? You gona protect yours?" Shane asked.

Shane snarled when Daryl looked to me grabbing a gun.

We saw dad Hershal and Jimmy come up out of the woods with walkers on poles. Shane took off running the rest of us behind him.

"Are you kidding me? Do you see what your holding onto?" Shane yelled.

"I see who I'm holding onto."Hershal said.

"No you don't."

"Shane let us do this then we'll talk." Dad said.

"What we gotta talk about Rick these people ain't sick their dead. All they do is kill."

"Hey Hershal let me ask you something? Can a living breathing person walk away from this."

Shane pulls his gun. Shooting the walker on Hershal's pole.

"That's the heart and the lungs. Why is it still coming?"

"Shane please stop that's enough." I said. Tears streaming down my face.

"Your right that is enough." He says walking up and putting a bullet in it's head.

"Enough risking our lifes for a little girl who's gone. Enough living next to a barn full of these things. Enough."

"Rick it aint like it was before.
If y'all wana live you gotta fight for it. I'm talking about right here right now."

He ran to the barn busting the door open.

"Shane!" I yelled.

Walkers started spilling out.
Everyone ran forward shooting walkers down.

When all the walkers were down. We heard a low growl. Looking towards the barn. I fell to my knees beside Carl.

There coming out of the barn was little Sophia.

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