Unlikely Friendship

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I sat outside the door as Hershal took care of Daryl. When he was done. Him dad and Shane walked out.

Shane gave me a weird look,and stood against the wall.

"Daryl's gona be alright. You can go in we're gona go check Andrea." Dad said.

I ignored the look Shane was giving me and walked in.

Hey Dixon. I said a tear on my cheek.

Hey half pint, don't be crying I'm alright.

"Thought you were dead." I said hugging him.

"Oww ow." He yelped.

"Oh I'm sorry I slightly chuckled.

"Its alright." He smirked. Wiping a tear from my cheek. "Why ya crying? I aint worth all that."

"Shut up yes you are. Your my friend. Like it or not Dixon. So your worth it to me."

He blushed looking down.

We talked for a little while about what had happened to him.

"You should get some rest." I said finally getting up to leave.

"You coming back later? I might feel like being annoyed."

I chuckled. "Yeah I'll be back I'll bring ya some dinner later."


Walking out onto the porch. I saw dad and Shane. They looked like they were arguing. I walked towards them.

"Everything okay?" I asked. Looking between them.

"Everythings fine sweetheart." He said kissing my head. "Dinner will be ready soon stay close." He walked off towards the house.

"What's going on? I asked Shane.

"Nothing." He said turning to walk away.


"What? What ya want Emma?"

"What is your problem Shane?"

"You and the redneck that's my problem."

"Shane he's my friend. You know that."

"Yeah I know what I saw to. You were hysterical thinking he was hurt. You sure as hell never punched Andrea for me. But you jumped for Dixon."

"He's my friend and if that's a problem for you. Maybe you should stick to Andrea." I started to walk off and he grabbed my arm.

"Your gona stay from him. Your mine. It's him or me."

I pulled my arm from him and walked away.

That night dinner was awkward. There was tension between dad and Shane. Andrea and me. Shane and me. Hershal's family seemed on edge.

I took my plate to the sink. I wanted out before Shane.

"Emma why don't you take Daryl a plate." Dad said.


I made his plate and quickly went to his room.

"Brought you some food."

"He quickly covered his back."

"Damn it girl don't you knock."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't need your damn sorry girl."

I started crying I sat his plate down and went to walk out.

"Emma stop....I'm sorry. I'm an asshole. I just didn't want ye to see that."

"Ive seen it before Daryl. Back at the quarry."

"You never said anything."

"I didn't think it was something. You wanted to talk about."

"Thanks Emma."

"For what?"

"Giving a shit noone else ever has."

"Your welcome. Now scoot over."
I climbed onto the bed. Propping up against the headboard.

There was a knock at the door.

"Come in."

It was Andrea. I rolled my eyes.

"Daryl I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I feel really bad."

"It's alright next time you shot me though. You best pray I'm dead."

"Wouldn't wana do that. I'd be digging my grave to." She said glancing at me before walking out.

"What she mean by that?"

"I may have told her. She better be glad she didn't kill you. Or I would be digging a hole for her to."

He chuckled. "Violent half pint."

"Hey I'm not letting anybody hurt my bff. Now eat."

"Yes mom." He scoffed.

I laid there talking to Daryl most of the night. At some point I feel asleep.

"Emma, Emma wake up." Dad said shaking my shoulder.

I quickly sat up.

"Ssshh."Dad said motioning for me to follow him.

"Dad look I'm sorry Daryl and I got to talking and I fell asleep."

"I know I came looking for you this morning when Shane said you weren't in your tent. Hershal told me. When he went to check on Daryl that you had fallen asleep. Daryl told him to just leave you there."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's alright....You and Daryl seem to be getting pretty close."

"Yeah I'd say he's my best friend. He's good to talk to."

"Daryl talks?" Dad joked.

I laughed. "To me he does."

"That's good he needs someone. He's lucky to have you. Your a good girl Emma."

"Thanks daddy."

"Lets go eat baby."

After dad and I ate breakfast. I took Daryl a plate. Hershal said he was okay to go back to his tent. So I helped him get back.

On our way across the lawn. We saw Shane. He gave us a dirty look and walked away.

"What was that about?" Daryl asked.

"It's nothing." I said.

"Thought I was your best friend." He scoffed.

I laughed. "Okay..He's mad at me.
Because of how upset I got when I saw you yesterday. He thinks we're you know."

"Oh I get it.....Well screw him."

I laughed.

"I gotta go help Maggie. You gona be okay?"

"Yeah I'm good."

"Okay I'll be back later." I kissed his cheek and left.


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