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Dad had been in the hospital a couple weeks. Not much had changed. He was still in a coma and didn't seem to be waking anytime soon.

Lori was being an even bigger bitch than usual. Poor Carl was just kind of lost. Shane was doing his best to help out. He was taking us to school and picking me up most days. Lori picked up Carl he had after school things.

Shane and I were sitting in dad's room when a nurse came by saying something about a virus. We had to leave and they would be moving dad to a diffrent hospital.

"What kind of virus would make them move patients?" I asked Shane.

"I don't know baby but this can't be good." He said.

Shane got a call from the station on our way to my house. He seemed frantic saying are you sure alot.

When we got to the house Shane stopped out front.

"Emma, I'm gona call Lori and tell her and Carl to get back here. I need you to go in a pack a bag. Just important things clothes hygenie crap and whatnot. When your done with that. Get all the nonperishable foods you guys have. I'm gona run home. Grab a bag myself and I'll be right back for you okay?"

"Shane what's happening?"

"I don't have time to explain right now just do what I said okay?"

"Okay." I said getting out of the car.

"And Emma stay inside don't open the door for anyone understand?"

I shook my head yes and went into the house. Locking the door behind me.

I packed up all my things and headed to the kitchen. Lori had came back and her and Carl were packing their things. When Shane got back he started loading our things into his Jeep.

"Can you tell me what's going on now?" I asked him.

"Theres some kind of virus. It's....killing people." He said. "There's a refugee center in Atlanta. That's where we're going."

"Shane what's gona happen to dad?"

He held my face in his hands. "Their suppose to be moving him to Atlanta. We'll stop on the way make sure he's good okay?"

I hugged Shane thanking him.
"It's okay short stack." He said kissing my head.

"What's going on here?" Lori asked stepping onto the porch.

I moved back from Shane. "Nothing Lori."

"Better be nothing." She said turning to go back into the house.

I turned to look at Shane. He smiled "lets get the rest so we can go."

When we finished packing everything into Shane's jeep we headed to the hospital. It was total chaos.

"You guys stay here this place is crazy I'll go. If I'm not back in 15minutes you leave." He said.

"Shane we can't leave you." I said.

"It's okay honey 15minutes alright?"

"Okay." Lori piped up. "Don't argue Emma."

I rolled my eyes. Shane gave me a wink then headed inside.

We watched from the car as people fell over each other trying to leave the hospital. Looking out the back I could have sworn I saw a man being attacked by three other men.

15minutes later Lori moves to get into the driver's seat.

"What are you doing?"

"It's been 15minutes Emma. We're leaving." She said.

"We can't just leave them here." I pulled the keys from the ignition.

"Now is not the time for your spoiled brat crap. Give me those keys."

"I am not leaving Shane and dad behind. If you wana go get out and go."

She was staring me down as Shane made his way back to the jeep.

"Did they take dad to Atlanta?" I asked Shane.

He looked at me like he was about to cry.

"No....Shane please." I begged.

He turned in his seat so he could see all of us. "I'm sorry Rick didn't make it."

Carl started bawling Lori hugged him as she cried to.

"Emma I'm sorry." He started.  I buried my head in his chest.

A little while later we were stuck on the highway trying to get into Atlanta. The traffic was backed up for miles.

Lori was outside the car talking to a woman named Carol. While Carl played checkers with her daughter Sophia.

"I'm hungry." Carl said to Lori.

"I know baby we all are." She said.

I went to the back of the jeep getting a granola bar for Carl and Sophia.

"Here you go guys." I said.

"Thank you miss Emma." Sophia said.

"Your welcome Sophia."

"Where did you get those?" Lori scoffed.

"Shane told me to pack nonperishable food so I did." 

"Of course you listen to what Shane says." She rolled her eyes.

Not wanting to fight with her. I got in the Jeep with Shane.

"You getting anything?"I asked. As he played with the radio dials.

"No nothing, like nothing at all. The emergency broadcast even stopped."

"That's not good is it?" I asked.

"Don't worry ok, I'm sure it's fine." He said taking my hand.

"Listen I'm gona walk up the highway a ways. See if I can see what the hold up is. If you need it theres a gun in the glove compartment. I'll be back in just a couple minutes."

"Okay...becareful please. I can't lose you to."

He smiled. "You won't." He kissed my forehead and got out of the car. Looking out after him I saw Lori giving me the stink eye.

I watched as Lori walked off with Shane. I don't know why but it made me mad.

When they came walking back up the highway. Lori was clinging to Shane's arm.

"We need to get out of here. There's a quarry not far. It's away from the main road. It should be safe." Shane said.

I scoffed getting into the backseat of the jeep.

Carol her husband Ed and Sophia followed in their car. Shane kept glancing back at me with a questioning look on his face.

A few other people must have had the same idea. When we got there. Other people were there as well. Dale, Andreah, Amy, Glenn, T-dog, Jacqui, Jim, a man named Morales, and his family Daryl, and Merle Dixon.

We sat up camp and got to know everyone. Amy and Glenn were close to my age so I mainly talked to them.

I hadn't spoke to much to Shane since we arrived. Seeing Lori cling to him the way she was pissed me off.

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