Moving on

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Carl and dad pulled open the gate letting us in.

"Daddy what happened is...."

"She's fine sweetheat everyones fine. Carl and I took care of it." He said hugging me."

Bob and Ty ran the medicanes to Hershal, who started IV's immediately. Everyone who was exposed was given doses. Hershal said after a couple days it would be ok to be around Hunter again. I couldn't wait I was missing her terribly.

After cleaning up I sat in my cell sobbing.

"Are ye alright?" Daryl asked standing awkwardly at the door.

"I miss Hunter."

"I know I miss her to. I miss both of you." He said looking down.

I looked up at him not really knowing what to say.

"Em, I didn't just let that girl kiss me. I don't want anyone but you. I know how it looked,but I wouldn't lie to you Em. I....."

It didn't matter I didn't wana hear anymore. I got up wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his.

It took less than a second for him to take control. My back was up against the wall. My hands tightly gripping his hair. His hands holding my hips.

We broke apart both breathing heavy staring at each other.

"I love you and Hunter Emma I'm so sorry. I didn't mean those things I said."

"I know....we love you to."

"You do?"

"Yeah." I said tears spilling onto my cheeks.

He sweetly placed kisses on my mouth. Then down my neck. His hands slowly pulling up the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms allowing him to remove it.

"So beautiful Em." He said kissing down my chest and stomach.

Bringing his mouth back to mine. He gently licked at my lips. I opened allowing our tongues to connect. It was defiantly the most sensual kiss I had ever had.

I tugged on his shirt lifting it over his head. The feeling of his warm chest pressed against mine,gave me shivers.

Without breaking the kiss he walked us back to the bunk. When my legs hit the rail his hands went to the button on my jeans. Slowly he slid them down my legs and laid me back on the bed.

I looked up at him as he removed his jeans. His eyes never leaving mine. He hovered over me gently placing kisses on my jaw, down my neck, over my breast, down my stomach.

He looked up at me when he reached the top of my panties. I nodded for him to go on. He hooked his fingers under the waistband pulling them down my legs. I was completely exposed to him.

"I love you Emma."

"I love you too."

He kissed up my thighs the higher he got the heavier my breathing became. His hands gripped the inside of my thigh spreading them wider.

He reached up kissing my lips before before flicking at my clit with his tongue. My hands went to his hair as his tongue moved up and down my slit.

"Every part of you taste so good."

"Daryl don't stop."

My hips almost automatically started to grind against his mouth. He placed his hands under my ass lifting me up higher.

"Oh god Daryl I'm gona cum."

When I said this he sucked hard on my clit. I grabbed a pillow to muffle the sound as I came.

I had never been that completely relaxed in my life. I smiled at the smirk on his face as he watched me. I pulled him to me our tongues instantly connecting.

I pulled at the top of his boxers.

"Are you sure?" He whispered.

"I'm sure, I want you."

I was honestly suprised at how big he was. I grabbed him rubbing him up and down my slit.

"Shit Emma." He moaned. Bringing his mouth back to mine as he lined up with my entrance.

He slowly pushed in. Both of us fighting not to be to loud.

Slowly I adjusted to his size. As he started moving in and out of me.

"Your so tight baby."

"You feel so good."

I never had anyone make love to me like this. Sure I had plenty of sex but never like this. Never this loving sensual never with this much feeling. I knew he was close when he started picking up speed.

"Emma I'm gona cum." He went to pull out and I held him to me.

"Don't I wana feel you."

"Emma." He breathed placing his lips back on mine as he released inside me.

Afterwards I laid on his chest. His hands rubbing up and down my back.

I couldn't help but compare him and Shane. I had loved Shane with everything I had a small part of me still did. But what I was feeling for Daryl was like nothing I had ever felt. I really did love him.

The next morning I woke with him laying on my chest. Both of us still naked from last night.

I smiled looking down at him. So peaceful when he sleeps. I kissed his forehead causing him to shift.

"Good morning." He said sleep still thick in his speech.

I snickered. "Good morning."  

He leaned up softly kissing my lips.

"We should get dressed." I chuckled.

"Do we have to." He grumbled.

"Unfortunatly yes we do."

"Fine." He Said kissing me before getting out of bed and handing me my clothes.

Once we were dressed we headed to breakfast.

"Hey Em." He said grabbing my arm before we walked outta the cell.


"Nothing it's"....he blushed.

"What is it baby?"

"Mmm I like that." He said pulling me close.

I snickered. "Tell me,what is it?"

"I and Hunter....I want both of you for my own."

"Are you sure?"

"I am."

I kissed his lips. "We've been yours you just didn't know it."

"I love ye Em."

"I love you too."

"Do we tell your dad?"

"Mmhm I don't wana lie or have to sneak around. Is that okay?"

"Of course it is."

" let's go eat I'm starving."

We walked to breakfast holding hands.

Both of us ready to take whatever dad had to say good or bad.

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