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"Emma, baby wake up." Kisses over my neck and shoulders.

I jerked up seeing Shane leaning over me.

"Don't be like that baby. Come on get dressed."

"Where we going?"

"We're gona go see daddy baby doll."

"Are you taking us home?"

"How many times I gotta tell you Emma this is home. Now get dressed."

I dressed quickly hoping I could see Hunter.

I rode in a truck again between Negan and Shane. At this point I wasn't sure which one of them was worse.

When we arrived Negan marched up to the gate banging that stupid bat against it. "Little pig little pig let me in."

I couldn't help the chuckle that escaped my lips when Spencer asked who he was. Moments later dad came up on Spencer's right.

"Daddy." I went to go to him and was held back.

"You said a week." Dad said through clinched teeth.

"I missed ya Rick. Besides little princess I'm sure wants some personal things."

This time I wiggled out of Shane's grip running to dad.

"Are you okay baby?"

"I'm okay daddy. Is.."

"Just fine baby. Just fine."

I gave him one more hug. "Don't let them find Hunter."

"That's enough Negan." Said pulling me back.

"Alright boys let's get to it. Shane take a moment take your girl get what she needs."

I saw dad looking back and followed his gaze. Dwight had come up behind us. Daryl at his side. I was close enough I could have reached out to him.

Tears came to my eyes. He was wearing some dirty sweats. His lips busted and eye swollen.

Dad stepped forward to speak to him.

"No you don't talk to him. He's the help, unless you want Emma here to cut something off him? Hmm?"

"Same goes for you dollface. No touchy, no talky. Got it?"

I stood there eyes locked with Darly's.

"Do you understand?"

I meet his eyes holding his gaze a moment. Before walking off beside dad. Shane close on my tail pulling me back into his side.

"Come on Emma, let's go get your things."

Shane lavished about how nice the house was. Making jokes about doing it in dad's bed. I quickly grabbed just a couple things. Wanting to quickly leave before he spotted Judy or Hunter.

Just thinking of her broke my heart. Tears started to slip down my cheeks. I wanted to see my baby girl.

"What's wrong Em?" Shane asked.

"Don't call me that. Nothing I'm fine lets go." I quickly headed down the stairs and out the door. Catching up to dad and Daryl who were with Negan at the graveyard.

"Damn tragedy this must really suck for you guys. Number one? That was on me. No choice there. Number 2 is on Daryl. Probably put her right on her back huh?"

"Who? I said interrupting his meandering.

"The widow sick girl."  He replied.

"Ma..ggie?" I barely got out. "Dad..Maggie?"

He didn't reply he and Gabriel just bowed their heads.

"No...please No." I cried. Dad pulling me against his chest.

"Aww she a friend of yours princess?"

Anger coursed through me, as I pulled away from dad. "Yeah my pregnant best friend...you arrogant son of a bitch." I yelled smacking him as hard as I could across the face.

Shane's arms snaking around my waist. A look of terror on everyone's face but Negan who chuckled.

"Sorry for your loss princess."

Shane drug me away while dad,Negan and Daryl went to our house. After hearing a gun shot.

"Sorry about Maggie, Emma."

"Don't talk to me Shane."

The rest of the time we were there. I sat on the curb curled up with Carl. We talked about Hunter and Judy. I missed my girl so much. I'd give anything to hold her.

Dad and Shane had got into it Shane knocking dad to the ground.

"You going to a party little girl?" I heard a man asking Enid.

"Can I keep them please?"

"Say please again little girl."

I got up from the curb walking towards them as his finger ran down her face.

"Hey don't you touch her you sick son of a bitch." I yelled stepping between them.

"Give her the balloons or I swear to god. I'll gut you like a fucking fish."

Before he could respond a hearty laugh was heard.

"Damn Shane, woo your little girl's got some spunk. I like it......Davey! Apologise and give back the balloons before she kills your ass." He chuckled again.

They took a little of everything from everyone. Beds,furniture,weapons, food, and clothes.

I watched at the horror on the faces of people that just a week before were smiling.

"Now that you know we can follow your rules. We'd like to ask for Emma and Daryl back."

"What you think Shane?"

"I think he's out of his fucking mind if he thinks I'm letting her go. Your lucky I'm not beating your ass into the ground."

"Oh well right?" He chuckled. "Let's ask Daryl what he wants to do."

"We'll Daryl what about you?"

He looked to me. Then lowered his head again.

"Oh well at least ya tried Ricky."

"We're coming back soon. If you ain't got nothing intresting someone dies."

"Lets go people, we're done here."

"Shane, she didn't do this. Just let her go."

"Your right she didn't you did. You turned her against me. She's mine. If you wana keep breathing get use to it."

"Daddy....I ran back hugging him. "Tell Hunter we love her okay?"

"I will baby, we love you."

"Let's go now!!"

I climbed back into the truck. My mind torn between Hunter,Daryl and Maggie.

I didn't speak the whole way back. I ignored everything Shane and Negan said to me.

When we got back Shane locked me in his room alone. I took a shower and climbed into bed.

"Emma, theres food come and eat."

I felt the bed dip down as he climbed in behind me. "Talk to me Emma I'm sorry about your friend."

I refused to say a word. I wasn't gona eat, I wasn't gona speak. Until I was back with my daughter.

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