Is a way out really a way out?

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Rick and the others eventually caught up with me. I had went to the sanctuary first. The only ones I found there were dead or old and helplessly clueless. We decided to try all the difrent outpost. The more places we looked the more agrivated I became.

"Daryl calm down, we're gona find them." Rick said.

"Where Rick? Where the hell we gona find them? We don't even know where to look." I yelled slamming my knife into a walkers head.

"We gotta hope Dwight can get word to us, of where they are." Rick said.

"Great, I'm putting the life of my daughter and wife in the hands of a dumbass."

"Hey, their my family to Daryl. I'm doing everything I know to do. So back off my ass." Rick shouted.

He and I moved towards each other nose to nose.

"Hey come on. Both of you are worried. You don't wana do this." Aaron said causing us both to back off.

"I just want my girls back." I said walking off.


After getting Hunter to bed. Negan told Shane to stay with her. 

"She's asleep she'll be fine. I should go with Emma."

"Don't you worry about Emma, she'll be back in one piece."

I made eye contact with Shane as Negan pulled the door shut.

I noticed a little glimmer of who he use to be.

Getting outside Negan had a group of men gathered.

"Well, boys time to get down to it." He said swinging that stupid bat over his shoulder.

"Little Emma here is gona help us chase out a rat......So Emma tell us who is he? Who's our rat?"

I stood tall not saying a word.

"Emma, hunny please don't make me have to ask you twice." He said twirling that bat like it meant something to me.

"You won't hit me with that. You don't scare me." I said staring him down.

He laughed. "Well how about this then."

He brought out Amber, one of his wife's. An older woman I didn't know and Dr.Carson from hilltop.

"How many of these heads I gotta bash in to get some answers Emma?"

"I don't know anything. Just leave them alone."

"I wish I could believe that Emma, but I don't......So here we go." He said before bringing the bat down on the older womans head.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I cried. As I watched the older woman struggle. "Finish it, she's suffering." I yelled.

"Tell me, tell me who tipped you people off. NOW! He yelled. Standing over Dr.Carson, his bat raised.

I said the first name that came to me.

"Joey, his name was Joey. That's all I know. Please stop this. Please." I begged.

A guy in the crowd cowered. A look of terror on his face.

"Is this him?" Negan asked.

"I don't know I never met him. I just heard dad and the others talk about. How he came offering help. Please, just stop this."

"Boys take Joey out back we need to ask him a few questions." Thanks for your help Emma." He said kissing my head.

I ran in the house and up to the room.

"What happened Emma? Did he hurt you?"

"He killed a woman bashed her head in.  He has Dr. Carson." I broke down crying.

"Please Shane please. If you ever loved me. Let us go home. Please before he kills us to."

"He wouldn't hurt you or Hunter Emma."

"You don't know that Shane. Please you can end this Shane. You can back with us. We can make this better."

"Come back and you and the redneck raise my daughter? And what if I'm lucky I get to be uncle Shane? Fuck that, I'm gona kill him Emma." He said pulling me close to his chest. I could feel his breath on my ear.

"I'm gona kill him for taking what's mine,and pretending it's his. And you can either fall in line with me or him."

He pushed me back onto the bed before storming out the door.

"Please Daryl please find us." I cried.

It's been a few days we've been here. Everyday Shane comes in taking Hunter with him leaving me to cry and bang at the door. Till I can't anymore. Every night he brings her back for me to put her to bed.

I decided that tommrow when they brought me food. I was gona keep the utensils. If I had to kill someone with a spoon that's what I'd do to get us out of here.

The following day Shane didn't come for her. Noone came with breakfast. I went to the door turning the handle. When it opened I peaked into the hall. Not seeing or hearing anyone I gently closed the door.

I hurriedly pack things for Hunter in a small back pack.

"Come here baby. We're gona go see daddy okay? But mama needs you to be really quiet. Can you do that?"

She shook her little head smiling.

"Good girl." I picked her up tucking her head into my shoulder.

"We're playing a game okay. Keep your head down and you win." I whispered to her. Before opening the door.

Carefully I went down the stairs. Trying not to make any noise. When I got to the door. I could hear gunfire and yelling. I went to the window looking out. The place was surrounded by walkers.

I moved away from the window trying not to be seen. Rushing back upstairs I used the sheet to make a sling to hold Hunter in so my arms would be free.
Once getting her secure I grabbed the only weapons I could find a two by four, a flashlight and a piece of broken pipe.

I checked all the windows seeing which way would be best to go. It didn't look like there were to many in back so I went to the back door. I held tight to the board shoving the flashlight in the back pack and the pipe down the back of my shirt.

Taking a deep breath I opened the back door running as fast as I could. Knocking down walkers that got to close. After what felt like forever I finally stopped running. Trying my best to calm Hunter.

"Sssh, I know baby. I know." I grabbed a few crackers from the backpack. That seemed to settle her for the moment.

I needed to try and find a running car. So we could get back to Alexandria.

We came across a small gas station. I could see walkers inside.

There were a few cars out front and I had to try. The forth car we tried actually started it had very little gas but it was something. The next thing was to find out where we are and how far Alexandria or hilltop is.

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