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Heading in what I think was the right direction we drove until the car was out of gas. Hunter was fussy and hungry. Spotting a little station up ahead. I tied Hunter to my chest and started walking.

There were quite a few cars,but none that were driveable. Not to mention I had noway to siphon any gas.

I banged on the window to check for walkers.

It was then I heard someone talking. Followed by what sounded like a struggle.

I hid thinking Shane and Negan had sent someone to look for us. I slowly moved towards the voices. Staying at the edge of the woods trying not to be seen. Hoping Hunter didn't wake crying.

As I got closer I saw a darker skinned man,but it was who he was talking to that made my knees go weak.

I'd know that hat anywhere. "Carl." I cried getting his attention.

"Emma!" He yelled running past the man straight to Hunter and I.

I held onto him crying causing Hunter to cry. Stopping when she looked up seeing Carl.

"How? How did you get away what happened?" We've been looking everywhere. Dad and Daryl are going nuts."

I explained what had happened. How we were able to escape.

He had a car up ahead. The three of us plus the man Siddiq. Made our way back to Alexandria.

When we were close to home Carl stopped.

"You and Hunter take the car. I need to sneak Siddiq in. You know how dad is about new people." Carl said.

He noticed the worry on my face before I could say a word.

"Go trust me your needed there. I'll be there soon."

"When did you get so much older than me?" I chuckled tears in my eyes.

He smirked. "Since forever."

I hugged him then drove the rest of the way to Alexandria.

When we got to the gate I stopped the car. Getting Hunter and myself out.

"Oh my god Emma......Gabriel get Rick. Go!" She yelled.

Once inside Rosita and embrassed.

"We looked everywhere are you okay?"

Before I had a chance to answer I spotted dad running towards us.

"Emma." He cried. Throwing his arms around Hunter and I.

"How did you? Where?" He stammered.

"We can talk about that later. Where's Daryl?" I asked.

"Sweatheart." He said taking Hunter from me. The look on his face making me wana collapse.

"Daddy, where is he?"

"He's in the infirmary, but...."

Before he could finish I took off running. Getting to the infirmary I pushed past Tara. That's when I saw him. Bandages wrapped around his torso head covered in sweat. His chest barely moving. I ran to him taking his hand.

"Daryl, Daryl it's okay we're okay. Please don't leave me." I cried.

I turned to dad when he walked in.

"What happened to him?"

"Shane, we found where they kept you and Hunter. Everyone was gone or so we thought. Shane and a group came out of nowhere. Shot him twice in the stomach." He bowed his head.

I looked down at his bandaged torso.

"Emma.....the fever started this morning. His breathing is slowly decreasing. With no doctor here we can' should be prepared.."

"Prepared for what?" I yelled. "Him to die? No, no I won't. He'll come back, he always comes back." I sobbed letting my head fall to his shoulder.

I felt dad place his hand on my back. I turned hugging his waist.

"Please daddy, he can't die he can't. I need him, Hunter needs him. I don't wana live without him."

"Sssh baby, your right if anyone can make it he can."

A short while later dad left. Tara and Carol were keeping an eye on Hunter. I refused to leave Daryl's side.

"Emma, can I come in?" Carl asked sheepishly from the door.

"Yeah, come in." I said standing up to stretch my legs.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Daryl."

"It's okay, I get why you didn't."

"You remember the guy from the woods?"


"We'll he's kinda a doctor. I brought him....."

I look to the door as Siddiq came in.

Carl and I stood back as he looked over Daryl.

"I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do. It looks like whoever took care of him. Did everything possible."

"Is he.....Is he gona be okay?"

"Without an internal look its hard to say. Normally with this kind of injury he'd likely need a transplant. Doesn't mean that's the case here though."

"Thank you for trying." I said sitting back beside him holding his hand.

Days later and nothing had changed. His breathing was still shallow. Siddiq had checked on him a few more times. Saying the same thing over and over.

"Daryl, if you can hear me....I need you,I love you so much. I heard Siddiq tell dad you were in pain." I paused tears rolling down my face. "I don't want you to be in pain. I don't want you to go....but if you have to if it hurts to much. I understand I'm not gona be mad at you. Your the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much."

For the fifth night in a row. I cried myself to sleep. The next morning he stopped breathing twice, both times against Siddiq's suggestion. I gave him CPR.

I knew I told him if he needed to let go he could,but I couldn't.

"I can't let him go daddy." I cried when he walked into the room.

"Baby, I know you don't wana hear this,but maybe you should let Hunter say goodbye."

I wanted to yell at him. To kick him out. Tell him I hadn't given up hope. But I knew he was right. So I just shook my head.

I walked out of the room with him to get her.

"Mama." She smiled.

"Hi baby, look mama knows you won't understand. But daddy's sick he feels yucky. So we need to go give daddy kisses. Okay?"

She whimpered a little when we walked in. "Daddy?"

"Daddy's got a boo-boo hunny he can't hold you, but you can give daddy kisses."

I reached her down to him. She kissed his cheek pulling at his chin hairs. "Daddy?"

"Yeah, daddy."

She burried her head in my hair almost like she understood.

"Dad can you take her please. I think I need to say goodbye to."

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