It begins

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The following morning we left with Jesus going back to Alexandria.

"Are you sure you wana do this?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I need to see Hunter. I'll take whatever else comes."

We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed towards home.

We were greeting at the gates by dad and Michonne.

"Welcome back we've missed you." Michonne said hugging me.

"It's good to be back." I replied.

After greetings with everyone dad took my hand.

"There's someone who I know is dying to see you both." He smiled leading the way to his house.

Walking in the door we saw Hunter and Judy playing in the floor.

"Daddy...Mama." She yelled waddling towards us.

Daryl getting to her first scooped her up cradling her to his chest. Both of us fighting back sobs. We stood there for a moment the three of us wrapped up in a tight hug.

"Hi baby girl." I cooed at her.

She touched her little hand to my cheek before burying her head back in Daryl's shoulder.

Everyone else had stepped out giving us a minute alone with her.

"Daddy sad." She pouted whipping a tear off his cheek.

"No daddy's happy. Daddy missed you." He said hugging her again.

We sat in the floor playing with her the next few hours. I could tell she missed him as much as he missed her. Watching them together made me smile. It's amazing they share no DNA, but she's so much like him. The grunting, facial expressions, the way she walks I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What's so funny? Daryl asked hugging my waist.

"She's turning into a little Daryl." I said.

The both of us looking to her as she sat there with that Dixon scowl on her face trying to stack her blocks.

He chuckled. "Yep that's my girl."

We spent the rest of the evening playing and cuddling with her. She refused to let him leave her sight.

The others had gone to check out a lead from Tara. On some guns and possibly alias. Women she had meet when out scavaging with Heath.

That night I stood outside the door listening as Daryl put Hunter to bed.

"Daddy loves you sweetheart. I'm sorry we were gone. Daddy won't ever let anyone take mama from you again."

I could hear the tears in his voice. I quietly moved away from the door and into our room as he laid her down.

"You okay?" I asked when he came in and sat on the bed beside me.

"Missed her so much, just wana sit in there and watch her sleep."

"I know." I said grabbing his hand. "So do I."

"If they come for us Em, you take her and hide. You hear me? I can't let them take you back."

"I can't let them take you back. If we hide...if we run we go together. All three of us. I can't lose either one of you again." I cried.

He hugged me tightly to his chest. "I'll keep you both safe Emma, I promise."

"I know you will." I said looking up at him.

A soft moan escaped my lips as he brought his to mine. Pulling me into his lap.

He trailed kisses along my jaw and down my neck. My hands grippimg his hair. As he was about to slide my shirt over my head. A knock came on the door.

Both of us chuckled as I got off his lap to open the door.

"Rick wants to see you and Daryl." Rosita said. Before heading down the stairs.

We followed her to the make shift cells.

Daryl and I passed each other a confused look.

"Theres someone here." Rosita said. As she opened the cell door.

As Dwight stood up Daryl lunged for him. Dad and Jesus holding him back.

"He wants to help." Rosita said.

"That true? You wana help?" Dad asked.

"I do." Dwight replied.

" said cocking his gun. "Get on your knees."

I held onto Daryl's hand watching him shake with anger.

"Look at me. Don't look at them." Dad said. "Why, why you wana help?"

"Cause I want it stopped. I want Negan dead. Shane to he's just as bad." Dwight answered.

"So why don't you kill them?"

"It can't just be me. Their all Negan."

"That girl you murdered she had a name. Her name was Denise. She was a doctor. She helped people." Tara sneered.

"I wasn't aiming for her."

Before anyone could stop him Daryl rushed him. Slamming him against the wall his knife a mere inch from his face.

"Do it....Do it." Tara said to Daryl.

"You wana end it this go ahead. I'm sorry. I am. I know you want to." Dwight spoke to Daryl.

"He could just be here to see if you and Emma are here." Dad said.

"We can't trust him." Michonne added.

"He owed me...but not anymore. What I did I was doing it for someone else. She got away so now I'm here,and so are you two. Because of her."

I knew he was talking about Sherry. As much as Daryl and I both owed her. We didn't owe him a damn thing.

"Daryl, do it. You knew her." Tara pleaded.

"Theres another way we work together. We can stop him."

"Do it...Do it." Tara chanted again.

"Tara, stop." I said sternly.

"You knew me then, you know me now. I'm not lying." Dwight pleaded with Daryl.

"They have Sasha." Rosita told the others. Daryl and I already knew.

"He could be our only chance to get her back. Why didn't you say something?" Jesus asked Rosita.

"Because, I don't trust him. But i trust Daryl." She said.

"Negan's coming tommrow. Three trucks 20 saviors plus him and Shane. I can slow him down. Bring some trees down in the road,buy a little time for you to get ready. You kill um I'll radio back make sure everythings okay. You take the trucks we go in do what needs done. Then take out all the outpost."

"Keep talking..." Dad said.

After awhile dad agreed and let Dwight go with the understanding he would be slowing down the saviors getting to us.

Dad and Daryl followed him to the gate. I headed back to the house to check on Hunter.

I climbed into bed falling asleep waiting on Daryl.

The next morning I woke up tucked tightly in Daryl's arms. Today was the day. Before long Negan and Shane would be here. We had to be ready, we had to win. Everything we loved depended on what would happen today.

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