An old friend

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When I awoke the next morning Hunter and Daryl were gone. I dressed quickly leaving my cell to look for them.

I found them in the sitting area surrounded by everyone. Daryl smiling bigger than I've ever seen as he looked down at her.

"What in the hell did you do to him girl?"

"Good morning to you to Merle." I said rolling my eyes.

Merle holds nothing back. "Is it his baby?"

Before I could answer Daryl spots us and walks over.

"You should be resting." He said handing me my daughter.

"I was looking for you two." I smiled kissing her head.

"Sorry." he said looking down. "Thought you could use the rest."

I leaned over kissing his cheek. "Thank you."

Merle scoffed and walked off.

"Sorry about him." Daryl apologized.

"It's okay." I chuckled..... "He asked me if she was yours."

" I'm sorry..."

"Hey there's two of my favorite girls." Dad said kissing Hunter's head.

"Morning dad."

"You should be resting."Hershal says coming up to us. "How's our little one this morning?"

"She's perfect." Daryl and I say at the same time. Causing Hershal to laugh and dad to give us a funny looking smile.

"I'm gona go feed her." I chuckled.

Hunter and I took a nap before going back to join the others.

I was sitting with Maggie when Glenn came in saying Andrea was here.

Daryl refused to let Hunter and I leave his side. With Andrea being in Woodbury he no longer trusted her.

She hugged Carol when she came in. She asked about Hershal's injury and about Lori.

"She died in child birth. She had a girl."
"I'm so sorry Carl...Rick...Emma I'm sorry.

"Is this the baby?"She asked pointing to Hunter.

"No." Daryl said standing closely in front of us. "This one's Emma's.

"Wow Daryl Emma congratulations."

"Thank you." I said quickly. She didn't need to know. Daryl looked at me a small smile on his face.

"You all live here?"

"Here and the cell block." Glenn said.

"Back here?" She pointed. "Can I go in?"

"I won't allow that dad said. Standing to block her.

She scoffed. " I left Atlanta with you people. Now I'm an outsider?"

"We had that field and courtyard till your boyfriend tore down the fence and shot us up." Dad sneered.

"He said you fired first."

"Well he's lying." I said.

"He killed an inmate who survived in here." Hershal stated.

"We liked him he was one of us." Daryl said.

"I didn't know about that." She downed her head. "As soon as I found out I came. I didn't know you were in Woodbury till after it was over."

"That was days ago." Glenn said.

"I told you I came as soon as I could."

"What have you told them?" She asked Michonne.

"Nothing." Michonne answered.

"He almost killed Michonne. He would have killed us." Glenn said.

"Yeah with his finger on the trigger." She pointed to Merle.

"Yeah well we all know Merle's an ass." I said.

"Thanks doll." Merle winked.

"Mmhm." I nodded.

"We have to work this out." She said.

"Theres nothing to work out we're gona kill him." Dad said.

"We can settle this there's room at Woodbury for everybody."

"You know better than that."Merle chuckled. 

"What makes you think he wants to work this out? Did he say so? Did he send you?" Hershal asked.

"Well no."

"Then why did you come here?" I asked getting agitated.

"Because he's gearing up for war. The people are scared. They see you as killers. Their training to attack." Andrea pleaded.

"Tell you what next time you see Philip tell him I'm gona take his other eye." Daryl snapped.

"We've taken to much shit. He wants a war he's got one." Glenn said.

"Rick of you don't try and work this out,I dont know what's gona happen."

"You wana make it right? Get us in."


"Then we got shit to talk about."I said. Walking toward the cell block. Followed by everyone but Michonne.

Later that night we all sat in the cell block. Mostly quiet. Beth was singing. I stood beside Daryl. He was holding a sleeping Hunter. I looked over as Merle stood barely inside the cell block. I touched Daryl's arm before walking over to him.

"Come to call me more names doll face?" He snickered.

I chuckled. "Probably...come on." I said holding out my hand. He took it with a confused look on his face. I walked him over to where the others were.

"You don't have to be the odd man out Merle." I said. Holding his hand I laid my head against Daryl's arm.

After awhile I excused myself to bed. Taking Hunter from Daryl's arms.

A little later there was a very light tap at the cell door.

"Hey just wanted to check in make sure ye two were alright." Daryl whispered.

"We're can come in if you want."

He came in and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Your dad's making a run back to where y'all use to live tommrow. Try and find some guns."

"You going with him?"

"Naw gona stay keep an eye on Merle. Make sure he don't...well do what Merle does."

I chuckled.

"I heard what ye said to him tonight. Saw how ye went and got him."

"Yeah, Merle can be an asshole,but I think somewhere in there is a decent person. Maybe he just needs help bringing it out."

"If anyone could do it. It'd be you. You'd make anybody wana be a better person."

"Thank you." I said sitting up wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"Don't gotta thank me. Its the truth."

We both looked to Hunter as she made cooing noises in her sleep.

"I should go before I wake her up. You need to rest." He said standing up.



I laid down next to Hunter leaving enough room for him to lay behind me.

He took off his boots before slipping in.  I grabbed his arm drapping it over me.

"Goodnight Daryl."

"Goodnight Angels." He said kissing the back of my head.

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