To good to be true.

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We entered the building. Weapons ready if needed.

"Daryl cover the back." Dad said.
We all looked around at the dark lobby.

"Hello?" Dad yelled.

"Any of you infected?" A man standing with a gun pointed are way asked.

"One of us was he's gone." Dad replied.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" The man asked.

"A chance." Dad said.

The man replied. "That's asking an awful lot these days."

"We know." I said.

"You all submit to a blood test." The man stated.

"We can do that." Dad said.

"You got stuff to bring in do it now. Once the door closes it stays closed."

Several of us ran out to get things. While the others stayed behind.

We all squeezed into a small elevator. I was awkwardly situated between Daryl and Shane.

We found out Dr.Jenner was all that was left everyone else. Had left or died.

After taking her blood test Andrea nearly hit the floor.

"She alright?" Jenner asked as I helped her steady herself.

"She hasn't eaten in days none of us have."

He then showed us to a small cafeteria. With enough food to last a few weeks.

"Help yourselves to what you like." Jenner said.

Everyone was grabbing food and drinks.

Daryl found a supply of diffrent wines and whiskey.

Carl wanted to try the wine. Eventually Lori gave in and let him try.

"Eww." Carl said causing everyone to laugh.

"That's my boy." Lori said. Taking the rest from him.

"Do you wana try Emma?" Carl asked.

"I've had it before buddy." I said.

"Oh you have huh?" Dad said. Causing everyone to laugh again.

"I'm 18 dad do you really think I had never?" I laughed.

"Well a father never thinks his little girl has done anything wrong." Dale joked.

"That couldn't be more accurate. Emma never does anything wrong as far as her father is concerned." Lori said.

Everyone half chuckled but it left tension in the air.

"Maybe you just stick to soda pop huh bud?" Shane said. Changing the subject.

"Not you Glenn." Daryl said.

"What? Why?" Glenn asked.

"I wana see how red your face can get." Daryl laughed. Everyone else joining in.

It was nice to see everyone at ease at least for the time being.

"What about you Emma?" Glenn asked.

I looked to dad who shook his head.

"Alright."I said holding out my glass to Daryl.

"There ya go half pint." Daryl said.

"Half pint?" I questioned.

"Yeah cause you aint no bigger than a minute." He laughed.

I laughed it was kinda good to see Daryl relax and let his guard down. We had been spending a good bit of time together the past few days. Mostly me clinging to him to avoid Shane. But it really seemed like we were becoming friends.

I felt bad about how upset Shane looked. I cared about him,but we couldn't keep letting what was going on between us happen.

"Seems we haven't thanked our host properly." Dad said.

"Booyah." Daryl yelled. And everyone else joined in. "Booyah."

Shane being in his sulky state brought us back to reality.

"When you gona tell us what happened here doc? Where's everyone else?" Shane asked.

"We ain't gotta do this now Shane." Dad said.

"Why not it's why we came right for answers. Well let's get answers." Shane scoffed. Sending me a glare.

Jenner started explaining that when it started some left to be with their families. Others had killed themselves instead of dealing with the situation and he had stayed.

"I just kept working hoping it would do some good."

"Dude you are such a buzz kill." Glenn said to Shane.

A little later Jenner showed us to where we could sleep.

Most of the power is off for reserve. Theres cots and a couch in every room. There's a rec room at the end of the hall books and games. Just don't plug the video games in. Hot water is limited so keep showers under 15minutes.

"Wait a minute you got hot water?" I asked.

"That's what the man said." T-dog replied just as excited am me.

"Dibs on first shower." I said. Running straight into a room.

Being in the hot water felt amazing. I almost didn't want it to end. It had been so long since we all had a hot shower.

Afterwards I got dressed and headed to the wreck room.

Carol, Sophia, Carl and Lori where there picking out books.

"Come look Emma." Carl said.

I went over to look at the games him and Sophia were going through.

"Enough to keep you busy awhile." I said.

"Will you play one with us?" Sophia asked.

"It's just about time for bed." Carol said.

"Tell ya what you guys go get some good sleep and we'll start tackling these games tommrow. How's that?" I asked.

"Okay." Carl and Sophia both said as Carol took them to bed.

"So you and Daryl best friends now huh?" Lori asked.

"Yeah well he needs someone to talk to." I replied.

"Just had to be you huh? Can't keep yourself from just flocking to the single men in this camp can ya?" She sneered.

"Jealous that you can't do the same now that dad's back?"

"How dare you I love your father."

"Yeah and anyone else that shows you the least bit of attention."

"You can't talk to me like that."

"I can talk to you any damn way I want. I suggest you take your drunk ass. And go find dad before this turns into something else."

She scoffed walking away muttering something about telling dad.

I sat down on the couch. Closing my eyes just collecting my thoughts.

I opened my eyes and jumped up when I heard the door slam shut.

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