Right and Wrong.

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The following day the Govenor got word to us through Andrea. That he wanted to sit down with dad and talk. The next day at noon at an old plant not to far from the prison.

Dad,Carl and Michonne were already on their way to King County looking for guns.

Daryl was on watch duty. I left Hunter with Beth while I went and got cleaned up and ate. On my way back to the cells to get her I ran into Merle.

"What are you doing Dixon?" I asked.

"Oh ya know looking for some crystal meth." He laughed.

"So ya know ya never did answer me." He said.

I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"She's Shane's." I simply said.

"Where's he at these days?"

"He's dead."

"Does Daryl know she's Shane's?"

"Of course he does. I would never lie to him."

"He seems awful fond of her."

"He is. She is of him to. I guess it don't make alot of sense but she is."

"And what about you? What's going on with you and Daryl?"

"You sure got alot of questions. Daryl's my best friend. I honestly don't know what's going on with us."

"Hmm. Don't go hurtin him girl. He don't love much. He loves that baby and you. So you think about what your doing. Make sure it's what you want."

He walked off. Leaving me with a million thoughts. I myself had questioned our relationship.

There was still a small part of me that loved and held onto Shane. But the more time I spent with Daryl the more I was feeling for him. The thought of ever losing him. I just couldn't.

"Hey you okay? You been standing in that same spot for about 10minutes just staring." Maggie said.

"Yeah I'm good was just thinking that's all."

"Anything you wana talk about?"

"I dono maybe later I just gotta work through my thoughts I guess."

"Well I'm here whenever you need me."

"Thanks Mags."

I walked into Beth's cell to get Hunter.

"She just fell asleep." Beth said handing her to me.

"Thank you for watching her Beth. Your so good with them. Your gona be an amazing mom some day."

"Thanks Emma."

I laid down beside Hunter watching her sleep. Eventually I fell asleep to.

I barely opened my eyes. When I heard whispering. I saw Daryl holding Hunter walking the cell legnth back and forth.

I closed my eyes back. Listening to him talk to her. He was telling her about when we first met. I almost laughed when he told her about me hitting Andrea when she shot him. When he had finally gotten her to sleep. He kissed her head before laying her in the makeshift crib he had made out of an old mail carrier box.

"I love you and your mama Hunter. I promise to always protect ye." He said.

I had to bite the inside of my jaw to keep from crying.

I felt the bed sink in as he laid down beside me. When he kissed my forehead I "stirred" and laid on his chest. With his arms wrapped tightly around me. I fell back to sleep.

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