Game plan

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Dad did his best trying to convince Gregory that we needed to fight back against the saviors. He flat refused to fight against them,or to let his people help.

When we stepped outside a group of hilltop people had gathered. They wanted to learn to fight. To be out from under the saviors.

It wasn't enough,but it was something to build on. Dad and the others were planning on going back immediately. Knowing they would come looking for Daryl and I.

I worried that they would take Hunter. If Shane found out she was his....

"She's gona be okay Em."

"If he finds her will we get her back?" I cried.

"I'll never let him hurt her Emma. I'll get her back if it comes to it. I promise ye."

It was hard not to worry. Negan is a sadistic asshole and Shane had gotten almost as bad. I knew if they found her Daryl would die doing whatever he could to get her back, and that scared me to.

Jesus had managed to snag one of their long range walkies. We would be able to listen in on what they were planning.

He wanted to introduce us to a man named Ezekiel. In another community they traded with.

Jesus took a group of us to a place they called "The Kingdom". Not long after arriving on the outskirts two men on horses rode up. Jesus introduced us and asked if we could be taken to see "King Ezekiel".

They lined us up taking our weapons before allowing us in. I was surprised at the place. They defiantly had the numbers we were looking for.

"Morgan?" I questioned spotting a familiar face.

"Emma." He smiled embrassing me.

"I see you found Daryl."

"Yeah, it wasn't without difficulty."

He hugged a few of the others. Richard a member of the kingdom. Asked how we knew each other. Dad explained how he and Morgan had meet in the begining.

Soon Richard led us into speak with the king. Dad and Daryl paused to speak with Morgan.

"Carol's alright, she was here but left." Daryl whispered to me as we entered the building Richard had led us to.

"Jesus! It pleases me to see you old friend. What news do you bring me? Are these new allies?" The man I'm assuming King Ezekiel asked.

"Indeed they are this is.....Jesus turned to introduce us. Pausing when he saw the looks on our faces.

"Oh ya I forgot to mention......" He started.

"Yeah, a tiger." Dad said cutting him off.

The man Eziekel had a tiger beside him. Walking around like it was nothing more than a large dog.

Jesus introduced us as we made our way closer.

"What brings you to our fair land? Why do you seek and audience with the king?" He asked.

Dad approached speaking with him about our common enemy. I honestly was paying more attention to the tiger, whos eyes focused on me.

Eziekel seemed upset that Jesus had told us about them and hilltop. His people were unaware of the deal he had with the saviors.

"We came to ask that you stand with us. Fight with us. Help us to get rid of these saviors. To get out from under them." Dad said.

"What you are asking is very serious." Ezekiel stated, petting the tigers head.

"Several of our people, good people. Were killed by the saviors,mercilessly." I spoke up.

"Who?" Morgan asked.

"Abraham, Glenn, Spencer, Olivia and Denise. Daryl and Emma were taken. Their targets every second their out here." Rosita scoffed.

"Shane is with them, Morgan." I said getting his attention.

"I thought...I mean wouldn't Shane be with you? He said he was looking for Rick, this group. I don't understand." Morgan paced.

"We'll explain it all later." Dad said.

"He beat Glenn and Abraham to death. In front of us. He set walkers lose on hilltop just to make a point." Sasha said.

"He took Daryl and Emma. He kept them from their daughter. He tortured Daryl, and Emma he....." Michonne paused looking to me.

"I use to think the deal was something we could live with, but that's changing." Jesus said.

"I wana be honest about what we're asking. Our people are strong, but theres not enough of us." Dad continued.

"We have people weapons. We strike first we could beat them." Richard added looking to Ezekiel.

"Morgan, what do you say?" Ezekiel asked.

"People will die, alot of people. Not just the saviors. Maybe we could find another way. Maybe its just about Negan.....just capturing him. Maybe...."

"Rick Grimes you've given me alot to ponder. I invite you to stay the night with us. I will delivery my decree in the morn." Ezekiel said before walking off.

The following morning Ezekiel refused to help,but offered Daryl and I a safe place to stay. Saying the saviors do not come into the kingdom.

"How long you think that's gona last?" Daryl asked walking off me trailing behind him.

Dad tried talking to Morgan and Richard about changing Eziekel's mind.

"Hey open it up we're gone." Daryl said as we approached the gates.

"Your not, not you two." Dad said.

"We ain't staying here." Daryl said.

"You have's the smartest play. It keeps you both safe."

"And our daughter? What about Hunter, Rick? We wana be with her."

"Daryl,Emma, I know you both wana be with Hunter and we will figure something out. But for now this is the smart move. Stay here be safe. Work on changing Eziekel's mind."

"We'll keep her safe Emma." Dad said hugging me.

Moments later they were gone leaving Daryl and I behind.

"It's ok Em, we're gona figure this out. We're gona be with Hunter soon I promise ye."

*sorry took so long to update. This is just a filler chapter. Working on the next now. It will be better promise. Will try to have it up tonight or tommrow morning. Thanks for the reads 💙💋💋*

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