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The following morning Maggie and I were sitting outside the barn, watching the sunrise talking. When a man approached us wanting to talk to Dad.

When we brought him back in the barn with us. Daryl and dad immediately went on the defence. He told us about his community. Showing us pictures and explaing how he recruited people to join them.

Dad didn't trust it, Michonne however wanted to at least check out his story. After much debate it was agreed we would travel to this place to Alexandria.

We retrieved an RV and a car from Aaron and his partner Eric. As we pulled up to the gates we could hear children playing inside.

"Stay by me and don't leave my side." Daryl said handing me Hunter.

"Yes dear." I chuckled rolling my eyes.

Once inside Aaron took us to meet a woman named Deanna. She is the one in charge here. She called all of us in one at a time. When it came my turn Daryl started in with Hunter and I.

"Just the girl." A guy said. His hand on Daryl's shoulder.

"We don't know you. She's not going anywhere without me." Daryl said shoving the man's hand from his shoulder.

"It's fine Nicholas." Aaron said. "Let them go."

He stepped to the side letting us enter the house. It was like stepping back before all this. The house looked untouched by what has happened.

"Hello." A woman said approaching us with her hand out.

"I'm Deanna, you must be Rick's oldest. Emma am I right?"

"Yes ma'am."

She smiled looking to Hunter. "And this little one must be Hunter. She is a beauty, so precious."

"Thank you."

"And who's this gentleman here?" She asked.

"That's Daryl Dixon." I said when Daryl didn't.

"Very nice to meet you Mr. Dixon. If you'd like you can wait outside while I have a chat with Emma."

"Naw we don't know you. I'm not leaving her alone."

She smiled looking between the two of us.

"I assume your daddy to this little angel?" She asked him.

"I am." He stated.

"Then let's get started shall we?" She asked.

Ten minutes later we were meeting the others, in a house down the street.

"They gave us the two houses here." Dad said pointing between where we were and the house next door. "I think it's best we all stay together tonight anyway." He added.

Daryl and I agreed. Entering the house was like the twilight zone everything was neat and clean. Untouched by what was happening outside these walls.

After getting Hunter down for a nap. I walked out to the porch where Daryl sat skinning his opossum. Dad watching the neighbors that were waking by.

"It's almost creepy isn't it?" I asked.

Dad chuckled. "I was just thinking the same thing."

"I wana go check the other house. See if it has a working shower. The line for this one is ridiculous." I laughed.

"I don't want ya going alone." Dad said.

"I'll go." Daryl stood wiping his hands across his jeans.

This house was just like the other. Spotless and untouched.

Going upstairs we found the bathroom stocked with, towels,shampoo, soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste.

We checked the three bedrooms finding clothes for both of us and Hunter.

I stood in one of the rooms looking in the mirror.

"Your beautiful Em." Daryl said leaning in the doorway.

I chuckled walking over to him. "Come on Dixon let's go shower."

"Going together?" He smirked.

"Mmhm. I might need some help with those hard to reach places." I teased.

He playfully growled picking me up and tossing me on his shoulder.

He sat me on the sink. Kissing all over my neck. He stopped long enough to reach in and turn the shower on.

Lifting me off the sink and onto my feet.

"Take your clothes off Em." He breathed against my neck.

He leaned back watching as I took everything off. A smirk on his face as he looked me over.

"See something ya want?"

"Mmhm." He said pulling me to him locking his lips on mine.

I started pulling his clothes off.

"In a hurry little girl."

"Yeah." I said pulling him into the shower with me.

We took our time washing each other, before he lifted me up placing my back against the glass doors.

He licked and kissed at my neck and collarbone. I could feel his cock rubbing at my entrance.

"Please Daryl."

"Please what? Baby."

"Please make love to me."

"Mmm." He moaned as he entered me.

Before long both of us were panting and clawing at one another.

"Harder please harder."

He growled bending me over in front of him. Slamming back into me.

"That what you want?" He asked as he held my hips thrusting hard.

"Oh god Daryl just like that."

His hand wound into my hair tugging lightly.

"That's it Em cum on my cock."

Hearing him talk like that always sends me over the edge. I came hard had he not been holding me I would have collapsed.

He walked us out of the shower again sitting me on the sink. Scooting me to the edge he pushed back into me. My arms around his neck as he dug his hands into my hips. Pulling my body hard against his.

"Cum for me Daryl. I wana feel you." I whispered in his ear. He grunted his hand going around my throat. Causing me my own release just as he had his.

We stood there a few moments holding each other. Letting our breathing return to normal.

"Happy baby?" He whispered against my neck.

"Very." I smiled kissing his lips.

"I love ye Em."

"I love you Daryl."

We got dressed and made our way back over to the other house. Daryl went straight to Hunter. Sitting with her in the floor playing with her stuffed bunny.

"Took you two long enough." Maggie said playfully bumping my shoulder.

I chuckled. "Worth every second."

We both laughed catching everyone's attention.

That night we all slept in the living room/kitchen of the one house.

"Do you think we're gona be ok here?" I asked Daryl. As we laid cuddled together.

"I think we can make it work. You ain't gotta worry. I won't let anything happen to you and Hunter."

"I know you won't." I smiled kissing the top of his hand that was wrapped around me.

"Try to sleep baby." He said kissing the back of my head.

I closed my eyes falling asleep almost instantly.

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