I Spy

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The next morning I woke up before Daryl. I made my way downstairs starting breakfast for him and Hunter. Next thing I knew Carl was running into the house saying we had to leave. I ran upstairs waking Daryl. Grabbing Hunter we headed out by the gate with the others.

Negan could be heard on the other side of the gate. Going on and on with one of his little speeches.

A group would lead them out the back. Ambushing them as they came through while the rest of us hid in the sewer.

"Where do we go?" I asked Daryl.

He looked around at the others. Then back to Hunter and I.

"Into the sewer come on." He said taking Hunter from me.

Eventually everyone who got out was down here. We could hear the gunfire and explosions above us. Hunter cried herself to sleep in Daryl's arms.

We slipped out heading to the Hilltop. I didn't even wana think about the losses behind us.

We took Hunter and Judy inside. Maggie had a playpen ready for them.

"Are you okay?" Daryl asked coming to stand with me at the window.

"They could come here to then what? Where do we go? The kingdom? The landfill? Where do we go?"

"We're gona figure it out Em. I'm gona keep you both safe."

"I know.....I know you will."

That night Simon and a bunch of saviors. Came in on us. We were prepared. A plan had been put into place incase this happened.

I clung to a crying Hunter as the gunfire erupted outside. It went on for awhile until everything went dark. The quiet was worse than the gunfire. As they approached the house flood lights were flipped on. Taking then by suprise from all angles. They started to retreat.

After it was all over and Hunter was settled. I helped Siddiq with the injuried. He was trying to teach me what he could just incase.

Carl and Daryl were out moving cars inside the walls. Just incase we had to make a run for it. We didn't have enough left for another attack.

Food was becoming another problem. Without being able to go out on runs. Our supplies were dwindling fast. Dad was becoming more and more distant with his bloodlust for Negan's head. Maggie was just as bad. I understood her reasons. Had I lost Daryl l would be the same way.

I went about the day helping Siddiq. Following him everywhere picking up everything I could. That night even though Daryl protested. I stayed with some of the injuried. Incase I was needed.

A few hours before dawn I awoke to one of the men groaning. When I felt his head he was burning up. As I turned for the door to go get Siddiq I was pulled back.

I struggled to pull the knife from my belt as a walker had me pinned against the door. With all the strength I could muster I pushed it back far enough to grab my knife. Plunging it into it's skull.

Once I caught my breath I realized it was Corbin from Alexandria. Stepping outside the door. I noticed more walkers entering the house.

I slinked back trying not to be seen. When Judy started to cry. All attention turned to her. I couldn't let them get her so I did the only thing I could.

"Hey! Hey! Over here."I yelled. Taking their attention.

Moments later as I was leading them away. Daryl came running taking down walkers along side me. The house had errupted as everyone tried getting away from the dead.

"Emma, get back take Hunter and Judy lock youself in there and don't come out till I come for you go."

Not being in a potion to argue I grabbed the girls. What seemed like forever later Daryl came knocking. Once he entered he quickly started looking me over for bites or scratches.

"What the hell were you thinking Emma? You could have been killed."

"If I hadn't done anything they would have got Judy. I couldn't let them get her."

He relaxed a little knowing he would have done the same. After talking with dad and the others. Eveyone clueless as to how our people had changed. None of them were bit before or had injuries that would have killed them so quickly.

"I think I know." I said the others stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

"When I was with them...they had talked about soaking bullets, arrows any weapon they had in walker blood. Theory being it would turn whoever they attacked. From the looks of it they were right."

"Makes sense." Dad said. "When I saw Negan earlier he had a 5 gallon bucket of blood in his car.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

"Try not to get injuried."

The following morning graves were dug for the ones we lost. Tara and Daryl continued to argue over Dwight. Tara had decided to forgive him, but Daryl still couldn't.

Carl was steadily trying to convince dad to try and talk with Shane. To try and make some kind of peace. He took Judy and Hunter to the yard to play. I watched for awhile thinking something just seemed off.

Dad wanted to go try to find food. He took Daryl and Morgan with him.

"Becareful." I said afraid to let him go.

"I'll be fine. Stay with everyone else. Don't go off by yourself. I won't be gone long. If they come while we're gone...." He paused.

"I know....we'll be okay. Don't worry, just come back soon okay?"

I worried as I watched them leave. Praying he would come back safely.

"Crap chapter ugh I'm in a bit of a block. Hoping the next will be better. Thanks for the reads and patients ❤❤❤❤

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