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"Jesus Shane you scared me." I said.

"We need to talk."

"Not now Shane." I said trying to walk past him.

He grabbed my arm. Pulling me closer to him.

"Why are you doing this?"

"I'm not doing anything Shane."

"You've barely said two words to me since that day with Ed."

"I just think it's a good idea if we got a little distance from each other."

"Why Emma? Do you have a thing for Dixon is that it?"

"Daryl and I are friends that's all."

"Then what's the problem?"

"Shane come on. You've been drinking let's not do this now."

"Bull I haven't had that much. Talk to me girl."

"What do you want me to say Shane?"

He looked hurt. There was a sadness to his face I hadn't seen before.

"I want you to tell me you don't want me. I want you to tell me to leave you alone. I want you to tell me you don't feel for me what I feel for you."

I pulled out of his hold walking towards the couch.

"I can't." I whispered.

In a second he was behind me. His arms wrapped around my waist. Pulling me close to him.

"I need you Emma. Even before all this. It was a constant struggle not to want to be close to you."

I turned to face him. "Shane we can't my dad is never gona accept this."

"He's gona have to. I'm falling in love with his daughter."

I bit my lip not knowing what to say.

Shane laughed shaking his head.

"What's so funny?" I asked confused.

"You keep biting your lip like that. He whispered close to my ear. I'm gona lay you on that couch and not give a damn who walks in."

I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips. Him being that close was driving me crazy.

"Jesus Emma."

He brought his lips to mine slow and sweet. Every nerve in my body felt like it was on fire. The deeper he kissed me. The more I didn't care about where we were or who would catch us. When his tounge entered my mouth. I was done for.

I walked him back until his legs hit the couch. He sat and I climbed on his lap. Never taking his lips from mine.

My hands tangled in his hair. His holding onto my ass. The more we kissed. The more we we're grinding onto each other.

He moved his mouth from mine. Tracing kisses down my neck. Running his tounge over my collarbone.
His hands went for my shirt as mine went for his belt buckle.

Suddenly the door opened and in walked Glenn and T-dog. I jumped quickly off of Shane's lap.

"Oh shit." T-dog said. Looking between Shane and I.

Glenn looking somewhat confused.
"Um sorry we um..."Glenn fumbled.

"Sorry we interuppted." T-dog said pulling Glenn back out the door with him.

"Do you think they'll tell?" I asked Shane.

"No, and if they do I'll deal with it dont worry baby." He said. Lightly kissing my lips. "Come back to my room?"

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