Sanctuary my ass.

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As soon as he was out the door. I ran to the little window behind the tv. I pulled and pulled but it wouldn't budge. I searched around the room for anyway to get out. I was prying at the window with a knife when I heard the door unlock. I quickly tucked it away before sitting on the couch.

"I'm back babydoll."

"Yay!" I said sarcastically.

"Watch how you mouth me little girl." He snapped grabbing my chin.

"Come on lighten up I brought you some clothes."

"Thanks." I said taking the yoga pants tshirt and panties he handed me.

"Come Emma."

I walked over to where he sat on the bed. He pulled me so that I was standing between his legs. He barely raised my shirt kissing my stomach.

"Shane stop." I said pulling back.

He huffed standing up our faces inches from each other.

"Go shower I'll get us something to eat."

He walked from the room again locking the door. Feeling defeated I grabbed the clothes he had brought me and went to the bathroom. I sat in the shower long after I was done crying. As much as I had once loved him,now that's how much he scared me. Hunter and Daryl's faces kept replaying in my head.

"Emma, that's enough girl get out here." I heard Shane yell breaking me from my thoughts.

I got dressed quickly. I wasn't hungry until I smelled the food he had set out on the table.

"Come on baby, you must be starving sit." He said pulling out my chair.

He started piling food on both of our plates.

"Eat Emma your gona need your strength." He winked.

I wanted to reach over and smack the smile off his face. Instead I asked asked him again how he got here. How he had met Negan.

"I found out where you were. Well at least close to where you were when I left Grady Hospital."

"Wait you were at Grady? When?"

"It's been months ago. Beth was there and they had just brought Carol in when I left. Me and a few other guys headed out. One of them a tracker. It took a bit but we finally found the church you had been at. That's where we ran into a man named Morgan."

"You know Morgan?"

"Mmhm traveled with him for a little while. We had to split though. Diffrence of opinion you could say. Anyway he had a map found at the church, and wouldn't ya know it. It had Rick's name written all over it."

I thought back to the map Abraham had given dad for us to find them in D.C. Tears rolled from my eyes when I thought of him.

"What's the matter Emma?"

"Abraham it was his map. He was....the first one Negan killed."

"Sorry you had to see that, but that's just the way life is now Emma."

I started to argue but didn't. I just gritted my teeth and lowered my head.

"So anyhow we traveled together for awhile. Once we got here to Virginia. We had a run in with a group called themselves the wolf's. Morgan wasn't to fond of their ways and one night he slipped off. Taking the map with him. Jerry our tracker he remembered it for the most part. We were with them for awhile. Before Negan came calling. I saw the potential in what he was doing. What he had built, so I joined up. After a couple months of proving myself Negan made me his second."

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