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"You remember when we went to Disney World?" Carl asked. As we sat on the porch watching the gate. Waiting for them to come home.

I chuckled. "Yeah I remember. Dad ate so much when he got on splash mountain he puked everywhere."

"The people behind us were so mad." Carl laughed.

"It was a good day." I sighed.

"Yeah it you ever think we'll have days like that again ever?"

"I don't know....guess we could always go. Bet theres no lines now."

We both laughed. Turning our attention to the gate as the RV came through.

We both smiled grabbing the girls to go meet them.

I got nervous when Daryl didn't step off the RV.


"He's okay Em he should be here any minute.

As if on cue I heard the roar of a motorcycle.

I ran over to him with Hunter on my hip.

He engulfed both of us tightly. Before taking Hunter from me.

"I missed my girls." He said kissing Hunter's head and my lips.

"We missed did you get your bike back?"

"Took it, they had it at their compound."

"How did everything go?"

"Let's talk about it later. I wana go home take a shower with my wife."

"Well, come on then."

Getting home we laid Hunter down for a nap, before we could get to the shower Denise came looking for Daryl. She wanted to make a run to check on a place where she could maybe get some meds.

"Go." I sighed. "I'll wait till you get back."

"You wana go?" He asked.


"Yeah, it's not far. Shouldn't take long."

"Okay, I'll take Hunter to dad." I said kissing his cheek.

When we got to the strip mall. Daryl told Denise to hang back.

"Me and her will do this you hang back." Daryl told her.

Once inside we found the pharmacy almost fully stocked.

" did good finding this place." Daryl told her.

"It's okay if your not ready you don't have to be." I said squeezing her hand.

I walked a little ways ahead letting her and Daryl talk. She had mentioned once how he reminded her of her brother. I thought she could use a little brother time.

A little later Daryl had come back up to walk with me.

"There's a cooler in there might be something we could use inside." She said pointing to a car.

"We got what we came for."

"Naw ain't worth the trouble."

Moments later we heard screaming. We ran back to find a walker on Denise.

She killed it just as we got to her.

We watched as she walked in a circle a moment before throwing up.

Opening up the cooler she seemed excited.

"Hot damn." She exclaimed holding a can of orange soda in her hand.

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