Wrong turn

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Almost instantly something about this just didn't feel right. We watched as more people started coming out from inside the building.

"I'm sorry I have to ask. With the way things are now. How is it you all look so...healthy? I mean no offence but how do you feed a group this size?" Glenn asked.

"Well it's funny you should ask." A man came out from the building behind us. Follwed by several other men all carrying guns.

"I'm Gareth, we're gona need you to drop all your gear. Poncho, watch any other personal affects you may have."

All of us shared worried looks as they lined us up. Walking us to the other side of the building. Putting us into an old box car.

"Shit what do we do now?" Tara asked.

"Ask them." Abraham said pointing at us. "Their the reason we're here chasing ghost."

I lunged for Abraham. Glenn catching me at the waist holding me back.

"Noone told you to come. We didn't twist your arm. You came on your own so keep your mouth shut." I yelled.

After that noone said much of anything. We had been here for awhile. When we heard gunfire and yelling from outside.

"Maybe if we're lucky their under attack." Tara said.

"Haven't seen anyone be lucky in a long time." I said.

Moments later when the door to the car opened. We all pushed back in as far as we could.

I almost dropped to my knees when I saw who came through the door.

"Daddy?" I cried.

"Emma!" He grabbed me in a tight hug. Both of us crying.

"We thought you were gone." He said kissing my head.

I grabbed Carl next. "I thought you were dead he whispered tears running down his face.

"So did I." I said.

I pulled back from Carl locking eyes with Daryl. We stared at each other for a moment before his arms were around me.

We pulled apart far enough for him to lift my chin and press his lips to mine.

Neither of us caring about the others. My hands tightly grasped his hair. His hands firmly holding my face to him.

"I thought I'd never see you again." I said.

"So did I." He said finally looking around. "Hunter?" He asked. With tears starting to spill down his cheeks.

"I didn't make it to her. She...." He held me to him as we both cried.

Dad and the others had given us our moment.

A funny look was passed from Daryl to me,but he said nothing. Now wasn't the time.

They filled us in on what had happened with them. We did the same. Introducing them to Tara,Abe,Rosita and Eugune.

Dad seemed to be letting Daryl and I go for now. Although occasionally I would catch him staring our way.

Working on a plan to get out. Everyone started making weapons out of anything we could find.

"Their gona feel pretty stupid when they find out." Dad said.

"Find out what?" Abraham asked.

"Their screwing with the wrong people." He replied.


"I missed you." I said holding onto Daryl's hand.

"I missed you Em. I'm sorry about...I should have went with you. Stayed with you two. I didn't protect her." Tears collecting in his eyes again.

"Daryl.." I said placing my hands on his face. "It's not your fault."

"I want her back Em." He cried.

"I know." I sobbed against his chest.

Suddenly a smoke bomb was thrown in the door.

"Emma! Emma!" Daryl yelled.

"Daryl!" I screamed as he was pulled from my hands.

When the smoke cleared dad, Daryl, Glenn and Bob were gone.

We continued making weapons out of anything we could.

"We need to be ready to fight with them. When they come back." Carl said.

"If they come back." Rosita replied.

"They will I know they will. We didn't come this far to lose them now." I said.

Explosions and gunfire was loud around us as we gathered close to the door ready to fight our way out.

When the door finally opened dad was there.

"Everyone stick close together. Get to the fences." He yelled.

As soon as I was out the door Daryl was at my side. Pulling me along beside him.

He hoisted me up over the fence before jumping over himself.

"It's right here." Daryl said to dad pointing to the ground.

"What the hell we stopping for?" Abraham asked.

"Guns and some supplies. Go along the fences. Use the rifles. Take out the rest of 'em." Dad answered.

"Rick we got out it's over." Glenn said.

"It's not over till they're all dead."

"That place is tore to shit it's on fire." Rosita stated.

"I'm not dicking around here." Abraham stated.

"Fences are down they run or die." Maggie added.

Dad looked to Daryl who turned looking at a noise to our left.

He took off running there stood Carol. Daryl's bow on her back. They hugged I came to her next.

We both cried as she kissed my head.

"Did you do that? Dad asked approaching her.

She shook her head her and dad embracing.

"You have to come with me." She said looking between dad and I.

We followed her up the road. Daryl keeping me tucked closely at his side.

When a little cabin came into view,she gave a whistle. Out came Ty holding Judith and Hunter.

Dad,Daryl,Carl and I ran to them.

I sobbed as I held Hunter close to me, Daryl wrapping his arms around both of us.

I reached over kissing Judy's little head dad kissing Hunter's.

It didn't take long for Hunter to reach for Daryl. I chuckled handing her to him.

I hugged Ty and Carol thanking them for her and Judy.

After awhile dad said we needed to get moving. Get away from here.

Daryl carried Hunter as we walked toward the back of the group.

She had cuddled into his neck and was sound asleep. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I had both of my Hunter's back.

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