I love you

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I had started trying to make my peace. With him not waking up. My heart was broken in a million pieces. I sat thinking about everything we had been through. Everytime he had protected me and Hunter. Finding him after the prison. Our first kiss, first I love you. The day we got married. The day Hunter was born.

"Emma, you should go get some rest. I can stay with him." Carol offered.

"I can't....I...if he..." I couldn't make myself say the words.

She nodded leaving the room. I got up carefully climbing into the bed with him.

"I love you Dixon." I cried against his chest until I fell asleep.

I woke when the sun started shinning through the window.

"I was wondering when you were gona wake up."

I jumped up tears spilling down my face. The raspy voice I had been begging to hear filled my ears.

"Your awake." I cried. "You came back."
I laid my head on his chest sobbing.

"Ssh, it's ok Em. I made a promise. I couldn't leave you."

I pressed my lips to his. Soaking both of our faces in tears. "I love you....I love you so much."

"I love you to Em. Is Hunter?"

"Hunter's fine, don't worry. She misses you"

"I've missed both my girls."

"Don't you ever leave me again Dixon."

"Yes ma'am."

I chuckled kissing his lips again.

Siddiq came in to check him. Honestly we were all a little stunned. Just yesterday he was practically gone. Yet here he was bitching to get up. He really is the strongest person I know.

"You were shot twice."

"Not to mention you were practically dead yesterday."

Dad and Siddiq tried to reason with him.

"At least let me lay down at home." He grunted.

"Fine, but I stay to. Incase I'm needed."

"I don't need a babysitter." He grumbled.

I couldn't help but smile at his grumpiness. Dad and Siddiq helped get him to the house and into bed. Once he was situated the others left. All except Siddiq who would be taking up residence on our couch till Daryl was better.

"You up for a visitor?" I asked poking my head in the door. Hunter squealing when she saw him.

"Daddy! Daddy! She yelled.

I had never seen Daryl smile so big.

"Come here big girl." He said reaching for her.

"Becareful now watch daddy's booboos."

She cuddled right into his neck. Babbaling a million words a minute.

I sat back watching them. Their bond never ceased to amaze me.

They fell asleep together. It was to cute to move her. So I slept in the chair. Keeping watch on both of them.

"Emma what are you doing?"

"Sleeping." I mumbled.

"Why are you in the chair?"

"Didn't wana move her. It was to cute."

He looked over at Hunter and smiled.

"Come here."

"I don't wana hurt you."

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