Jealousy and Loss

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When they came back they didn't come back alone. They brought back all the people from Woodbury who wanted to come. Apparently the governor went nuts killing everyone after they left the prison.

It was gona be alot more crowded around here. Daryl,Dad and Glenn had been working on clearing D block for them since they got back.

"Hey Em."

"Hey." I said placing Hunter in her crib.

"You okay?"

"Ya I'm good. Are you?"

"Yeah I'm good." He looked down shuffling his feet.

"Get all the new people settled?"

"Yeah got um all set."

"That's good."

There was an awkward silence as Daryl started to walk off.

"I'm really sorry I smacked you Daryl. Your right I was acting like a brat."

"It's okay I guess I was kinda being a dick too."

"No it's not okay. I feel terrible." I said looking down.

"Em it's really okay. Im kinda suprised you haven't slapped me before now."

I laughed. "True."

"Ye can make it up to me." He said smirking.

"Okay how?"

"Go hunting with me sometime after ya know your all healed and good to go out."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?" He asked a ghost of a smile on his face.

"I was just thinking...dates went from dinner and a movie to hunting and killing walkers."

It was quiet for a moment till I realized what I had just said.

"wait I didn't mean that...I...I...mean I'm not saying that you were asking me out...I was just ya know saying."

"Just shut up Emma." I said feeling like such a tool.

He started laughing.

"Shut up." I said playfully pushing his shoulder.

"Naw your kinda cute when your flustered." He joked.

"I hate you." I chuckled.

"Hey Rick needs you." Glenn said poking his head in the cell.

He turned to me with a agrivated look on his face.

I chuckled slightly. "See you later?"

"Mmhm" he said as he walked out.

An hour or so later. I felt the bed beside me dip and an arm go around my waist.

"Daryl?" I asked half asleep.

"Yeah it's me sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep." He said kissing my head.


"Nite sweetheart."

That's how it went for the next month. We would act like normal friends during the day then at night he'd sneak into my bed and we'd cuddle. It was never nothing more. A few times it seemed like we were about to kiss. Then for whatever reason it didn't happen.

This morning I woke before him. I pulled from his grip grabbed Hunter fed her then dropped her off with Beth  and the other kids. It was my turn to help Carol with breakfast.

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