What's going on

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Shane's POV

After being attacked by a couple walkers,I left the house I was in after Rick left me at the school yard.

After walking for awhile I came upon a small cabin. It seemed secure enough with no walkers around. Figured I'd hole up here a couple days. Let my ankle feel better.

Then head back out to the road find a car and go back for Emma. Thoughts of her are the only thing keeping me going.

The cabin wasn't so bad it was mostly clean and there were some supplies. Enough to last at least a month. It would be a good place for Emma and I to come back to.

Give us time to make a plan as to where to go. I knew she wasn't gona like the thought of leaving her family behind,but it was the only way Rick was gona stay alive.

Two days later my ankle was feeling almost normal. I left the little cabin. Heading for town or the highway whichever came first, to find a car to take me back to the farm. I knew I was at the least 18miles out.

Running into a large herd put me days behind. Not finding a car wasn't helping either. It has been almost two weeks since I had seen Emma.

When I got to the farm I was shocked. The Barn was still smoldering. The house was empty and there were several walkers in the fields. There was no sign of them or where they had gone. My blood boiled if Rick got her killed he better pray he was dead to.

Not knowing where to go from here I decided to check the highway where we had lost Sophia. Someone had definitely been here. The supplies left for Sophia were gone. I had noway of knowing if it was them or not.

After awhile I decided to head toward Macon. I knew Rick had some family there and it was the only lead I had to go on.

It took forever it seemed like to get to Macon. Once there Rick's family's place was left in ruin. There really wasn't much left of Macon at all. Once I got back up to Senoia. It was closing in on winter. I spent most of the winter in abandoned buildings.

I was in a community called Woodbury for a month or so. Something was off and I couldn't stay. Not to mention I was months behind Emma. If she was even still out there.

After leaving Woodbury I made my way to Cummings. Eventually just making a huge circle. Running across Martinez's group. A man who use to be in Woodbury with the govenor. I stayed there for awhile. Tyring to plan my next move.

I was honestly starting to lose hope and had considered staying with them. Until the govenor showed back up with a family. Obsessed with some group at a prison he wanted to kill.

I refused to get mixed up with his stupid plot. So in the middle of the night I moved on. Heading towards Atlanta.

That's where I'm at now. Having outrun a herd of walkers but shattering my knee. Luckily some people found me bringing me to Grady Memorial. Eventually once I'm healed I'll head out again to find Emma. I'll never stop looking. I know one day I'll find her and I'll do whatever I have to do to keep her with me. Even if it means killing Rick.

*Authors note*

Just a small Shane chapter kind of just a what's been happening to him since the farm. I'm trying to keep him close,but not to close to the group. Having him barely miss Andrea and Merle in Woodbury. Then missing them at the prison. Hoping it will all come together and not continue giving me writers block. :-) Thanks bunches for the reads. Hopefully you'll stick with it and maybe we'll have a drama filled reunion. 💜💜💜💜💜🔪🔪🔪🔪😂

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