Looking for hope.

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We drove back up the interstate to where we had originally been. The others had left a message and some supplies incase she found her way back.

"She's not gona make it is she?"

"It's not looking real good baby."

"Poor Carol I would be losing my mind."

"Don't worry I'll never let our kid outta my sight."

"Our kid?"

"Yeah." He said pulling me up from my seat helping me onto his lap.

"Your gona have my baby someday."

I chuckled."Oh I am huh?"

"Mmhm. I think we should start practicing right now." He mumbled kissing my neck.

"Then take my pants off."

His hands went for my button. I leaned back helping him remove my jeans. He lifted as I undid his pulling them down.
He pushed his lips hard against mine. His tongue attacking mine. His hands went to my shirt lifting it over my head. He kissed and licked my neck as he removed my bra.

"Your so fucking beautiful."

His mouth went to my nipple his hand into my panties. Rubbing circles on my clit.

My hands were on his head. Pulling him into me. I rocked against his hand.

"Shane don't stop I'm gona cum." I breathed.

"Cum for me baby."

With a few more flicks at my clit, I came on his hand.

I leaned back against the stearing wheel catching my breath.

"You taste so good." He said. Licking me off his fingers.

I reached into his boxers pulling him free. Rubbing my hand up and down his cock.

"Fuck Emma."

He pulled my panties to the side. Taking his cock from my hand rubbing it along my slit.

"Shane stop teasing." I pouted.

He chuckled. "Then pushed himself inside me.

I winced at the pain shooting through me. He was bigger than I had before.

"Your so tight. It'll stop hurting soon." He moaned.

I leaned into him he held onto me as he gently moved in and out. Helping me get use to his size.

"You feel so good Emma."

I moaned as I felt him completely push himself inside me. His hands rested on my hips letting me control the pace.
His mouth switching between my neck and nipples.

"Shane, I love you."

"I love you so much Emma."

He grabbed my ass. Lifting me slightly as he took control.

"Oh god right there don't stop."

Both of us were moaning and pulling at each other. We couldn't get close enough.

"Emma I'm gona cum." He whispered against my lips."

Hearing him say this pushed me over my edge I came seconds before he did.

Both of us were panting I laid on his chest. His arms wrapped tight around me. He was placing lite kisses on my forehead. I leaned up kissing him gently.

He smiled. "I'm never gona let you go Emma. Your mine always will be."

We sat there a little while longer. Kissing and holding each other.

Eventually we dressed and headed back to the farm. Shane holding my hand occasionally kissing it the whole way.

When we got back to the farm. Dad approached the car.

"Any luck?"

"Naw we didn't find any trace of her."

"Daryl hasn't made it back yet." Dad said.

Worried I asked. "Should we send someone to look?"

"We'll give it a bit longer." Dad said.

Dad and Shane sat at the table with the map open. Going over diffrent search grids. I sat talking with Glenn and Maggie.

Occasionally I would look over and he'd be staring at me smiling. Making me blush.

"What's going on with you and Shane?" Maggie asked.

"Nothing, what do you mean?"

"You two keep staring. Hes smiling at you an awful lot." She chuckled.

"Not to mention your neck." Glenn added.

"What's wrong with my neck?"

"Nothing except the two hickeys." Glenn chuckled.

I blushed looking down.

"Walker!"Andrea yelled from the top of the RV.

We all stood looking towards were she was pointing. The closer we got the more afraid I was. I knew that face.

"Is that Daryl?" Glenn asked. Worry clear in his voice.

I took off running towards him.

"Emma!" Dad and Shane yelled running after me.

Shane grabbed me holding me back.

I sobbed. "Please let me go." As I watched dad go towards Daryl gun raised.

"That's the third time you've pointed that thing at my head. You gona pull the trigger."

Relief washed over me as I heard his voice. I relaxed into Shane's arms. Not even thirty seconds later. Andrea fired and Daryl went down.

"No! I shouted breaking away from Shane.

I bent down to Daryl. "Please don't be dead please I begged. Tears pouring down my face.

He lifted his head. "Damn I was kidding." He said before passing out.

I heard Andrea shouting as she came towards us.
I was instantly pissed. I stood up going towards her.

Shane and dad had Daryl.

"Emma don't it was a mistake." I heard dad yell.

"Is he okay?" Andrea asked just a few feet from me.

When I reached her. I hit her as hard as I could. She bounced to the ground blood pouring from her nose.

"The next time your dumbass is told not to shot don't. If you had killed him. We be digging two graves." I sneered.

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