Jealousy and loss cont.

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I turned facing him. I'm ready I said to myself.

"Kiss me?"

It didn't take a second before his lips were on mine. Soft and sweet at first then harder more needy. Both of us pulling at each other. When his tongue touched mine. I moaned pulling him onto me. It wasn't long till our shirts were on the floor.

It was easy to get distracted kissing him

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It was easy to get distracted kissing him. His body pressed hard into mine.

"I've wanted you for so long Em." He breathed into my neck. Trailing kisses along my collarbone.

"So have I." I moaned as his mouth came back to mine.

We both reached for the buttons on the others jeans when we heard someone clear there throats outside the cell door.

We froze coming back to the reality of where exactly we are. I chuckled as he laid his head against my neck.

"Guess we got a little carried away."

"Yeah I guess we did." I smirked.

He laid beside me pulling me close against him.

He placed light kisses on my neck. While rubbing circles on my belly.



"You really don't like any of those other girls?"

"Those girls will never be you Em."

I turned to face him, pressing my lips to his. His hand behind my head holding me to him. We eventually broke for air.

He pulled me over so my head was on his chest.

I nuzzled into him a smile on my face. He ran his hand up and down my bare back. Before long I felt myself falling asleep.

I woke the next morning alone. Daryl and Hunter both gone. I got dressed and made my way down to the dining area.

"Hey have you seen Daryl and Hunter?" I asked Carol.

"Yeah earlier Daryl gave her a bottle. Then took her to Beth said you needed rest."

I smiled. "Thanks Carol."

I went to Beth's cell first.

"Hey Emma, looking for someone?" She said pointing to Hunter who was laying on Beth's bed with Judy.

I picked her up. Kissing her little face.
"Good morning beautiful."

I took her outside walking down to where dad was with the pigs.

"There's grandpa's girl." He said reaching for Hunter.

I chuckled. "It's weird your a grandpa."
"How ya think I feel kid your making me old. Tell mommy to stop being mean to grandpa he cooed at her."

Dad sat down in the grass playing with her while Carl and I fed the pigs.

Beth came getting Hunter to go eat lunch. I was really thankful for her. She helped so much with Hunter and Judy.

"Em? Can you go up to the north tower and grab the other shovel for me?" Dad asked.

"Sure no problem." I said heading through the field.

I opened the door to the tower stepping in and immediately stopped.

Standing there was one of the girls from yesterday kissing Daryl. I rushed from the tower heading towards the prison.

"Emma? Emma?" I heard dad yelling.

I ignored him running to my cell. When I got there I sat on the bed trying to catch my breath. I can't believe he just....I'm so stupid.

"Emma,what's wrong?" Dad asked bursting into my cell.

I wiped my face nothing just sick at my stomach is all.

"Do you want me to get Hershal?"

"No I'll be fine. Will you just ask Bethy to watch Hunter just a little while?"

"Ok baby...sure your okay?"

"I'm fine daddy."

After dad left I laid back on the bed and just cried. Last night we were here together and today he's kissing someone else.

Maybe I don't know him at all. That's what hurt the most. Daryl would have been the last person, I ever would have thought.

"Em are you okay? Your dad said you were sick."

I picked up the book laying next to my bed and flung it in his direction barely missing him.

"What the hell Em?" He questioned coming over grabbing my hands.

"Don't touch me Daryl."

"Sweetheart what's wrong?"

"Don't sweetheart me. Go back to the tower with your little groupie."

"Em wait let me explain. She kissed me I didn't kiss her."

"Looked like you were really putting up a fight."

"Emma I pushed her off me. I told her I had someone."

"Bullshit Daryl she just happened to be in the tower with you? Do I look stupid to you? I knew this was a mistake."

"You did huh? A mistake? Yeah maybe it was a mistake. Your just a child. Looking for a daddy figure."

"How dare you..."

"Wait Em I didn't...."

"Get out! Get out now! Stay away from me and my daughter." I screamed.

The next couple days were hard. I didn't wana eat or talk to anyone. I stayed pretty much in my cell 24/7 with Hunter. It was worse than when Shane died. I was completely alone.

Daryl's POV

I hadn't seen Em or Hunter in a couple days. I was missing both of them,and I was moody as hell. Everyone was mostly avoiding me. Anytime I seen her outside her cell which wasn't often. She hurried past me. I wanted so bad to go see her and Hunter, but I completely messed up. I never should have said what I did. I didn't mean it at all.

"Daryl Rick's looking for you." Glenn said coming up from the yard.

"Fine." I scoffed.

"Daryl you okay man?"

"Mind your own bussiness Rhee." I spat walking off.

I found Rick down by the pig pins.

"Glenn said you were looking for me."

"Have you talked to Emma?"

"Not today why? I asked not looking at him.

"Somethings been up with her past couple days. Beth says she's not leaving her cell. Carol said she barely eats."

I knew what it was but I couldn't tell Rick that my dumbass had hurt her.

"I dono man. Maybe it's just woman stuff."

"Yeah been kinda moody to."

"Yeah I guess I have." I walked away before Rick could say anything else.

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