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"Sssh quiet baby it's okay." I said. Trying to calm my terrified daughter. The gunfire had stopped moments ago. We sat waiting for Daryl to come.

I didn't hear him when he approached on our left.

"Daryl." I cried as he hugged tightly to Hunter and I.

"Are you two alright?" He asked taking Hunter from my arms. Looking her then me over.

"We're okay......Are you okay?" I asked cupping his face.

"I'm okay....let's get you two inside."

Hunter clung to his neck not moving. It killed me seeing how scared she was.

"Is she okay?" Dad asked reaching for her.

"She's okay, she's just scared." I said.

Dad held her for a minute before she began reaching for Daryl again. He took her back and she again clung tightly against his neck.

We walked around checking on everyone. Helping where we could. Daryl helping as much as he could with a frightened toddler clinging to him.

I offered to take her,but neither of them wanted to let go of the other.

Michonne had been badly beaten but would make a full recovery.

Dad,Maggie and Eziekel talked to everyone about what our next move would be. Extra guards were put on the wall.

A plan to attack the sanctuary came together quickly. Daryl refused to let me participate. Insisting I stay with Hunter. For once I didn't argue. I knew he was right. If Shane got out he'd come for us, come for her.

I kept myself busy trying not to think about what was going on with Daryl and the others. As night began to fall I started to get more worried.

I was just getting Hunter laid down when I heard the front door open and close. Thinking it was Daryl I ran down the steps and right into Negan.

"Well hello sweetheart." He smirked. "I sure have missed that pretty face."

"Simon!" He yelled.

"Go get Shane."

"Please, don't do this." I begged.

"What sweetheart? I'm just reuniting a family."

"He's not our family anymore please. She doesn't know him. This isn't her fault. Please."

"Your right it's not. It all comes back to Rick the prick. Aww don't cry love he's gona take good care of you both, and if he doesn't I'll kill him myself and take over." He winked.

Shane walked through the door looking half pissed half relived. He came straight to me crashing his lips against mine. I didn't fight back I just stood rigid.

"We'll give you a little time. Meet us by the gate in 30minutes." Negan said walking out the door.

"Show me our daughter Emma."

"Shane please don't." I started as he grabbed my arm dragging me towards the stairs.

He stood over her crib, looking down at her a tear on his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me Emma?"

"We didn't know you were alive Shane. Daryl has been with her. To her he's daddy."

He shot me a look anger clear on his face.

"Shane, you can't hate him for that. He's taken such good care of her she loves him and he loves her. He's her dad Shane."

He pushed me back against the wall. "Maybe he was Emma,but not anymore. Both of you are mine. Now get her things together we're leaving."

"Please Shane don't...."

"Now Emma, or you can stay to and I'll just take my daughter."

Not wanting that to happen I quickly gathered what she would need.

Shane bent down picking Hunter up.

"Sssh it's ok baby daddy's got you." He whispered hushing her back to sleep.

"What's her name?"

"Hunter....her names Hunter."

"Huh, think I don't see the connection there? We'll be changing that." He gripped the back of my neck walking us towards the door.

Daryl's POV

I knew something was wrong as soon as we got back. Everyone was gathered at the gates. I threw my bike to the ground looking for Emma and Hunter.

"Where are they?" I asked Carl.

"He took them....I tried to stop them..."

I didn't wait for him to finish. I picked up my bike jumping on.

"Daryl wait...." Rick started.

"The hell I will he has my wife and daughter."

"And we're gona go get them we need a plan."

"You stay make your plans I'm going to get my family." I said taking off out the gate.


"Where are we?" I asked Shane as we pulled onto a gravel driveway.

"Don't worry about it. All you need to know is it's safe."

A big log cabin came into view. I saw Negan and some of his men standing beside one of the trucks.

"I don't want those men around my daughter."

"Our daughter Emma,and I'm not gona let anyone hurt her. Neither of you. Do you hear me?" He asked holding my chin.

Hunter had woken up and was reaching for me.

"Come here baby. It's okay mama's here."

"Daddy?" She kept saying looking around for Daryl.

"Daddy will find us baby." I whispered in her ear.

Shane grabbed my arm pulling me along with him. Negan told us which room to take and Shane pulled me into the house.

Once we were in the room he left locking the door behind him. I sat Hunter on the bed as I tried to pry the window open. I tried again with the window in the bathtoom. Neither would budge.

I sat with Hunter on the bed playing with her stuffed pink elephant.

When Shane came in I picked her up cuddling her to my chest.

"Hello, sweetheart I brought you something." He said handing her a stuffed puppy with floppy ears.

She smiled at him. She was his daughter biologically,but that crooked smile was all Daryl.

He reached for her,she hesitated looking at me. I didn't want her to be scared so I smiled back at her.

I watched him walk around with her talking and playing with the toy. A small part of me hurt for him. It wasn't entirely his fault the way things had turned out. But it didn't have to be this way.

Later in the day we went to the kitchen with the others to eat. Negan made sure it was just him, Shane, Simon, Hunter and I at the table.

"I believe gentlemen...oh excuse me and ladies." He said patting Hunters head. "That we have a trader amongst our ranks."

My thoughts flew to Dwight and how he had helped us. He was the only hope we had of getting out of this,or of Daryl finding us.

"So after dinner and Emma here gets the little princess to bed. She'll be helping us find our traitor."

"But I don't......" He cut me off.

"Oh but I think you might darling." He said before walking out of the room followed by Simon.

"What do you know Emma?" Shane asked sternly.

I needed to come up with something and fast.

*From here out the story won't exactly follow the show. Just a heads up.* ❤❤

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