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Damian pov
             You are a disgrace to the A'l ghul name, you are a shame to your heritage and you have failed me as your grandfather. You are nothing.

               I found myself in a white void floating in nothingness. A figure appeared before me. I recognized the image. My mother had come to taunt me once again.
             My mother stared down at me with distaste, she had a look that told me she was very displeased with my existence.  She was wearing her usual black assassin suit, an oddly familiar sword was placed in her hand, I recognized it. IT belonged to grandfather.  It was the sword of the Al ghuls. I was meant to be in my possession the day I become king of the A'l ghuls. The sight of it made me feel cold. I could sense death and destruction emitting from it. The number of lives it had taken, uncountable.

              My mother raised the sword and spoke  " This sword was supposed to be bestowed on you by me on your eighteenth. The same day you were supposed to be crowned king and accept the responsibilities of being the leader of the assassin's. As your mother it was my job to make sure you met that day with the honor and pride of the Al ghul family. As king you were destined for riches and greatness, as my child you were raised to be the best, but you have failed me by becoming weak and sensitive, you have single handedly ruined your future, you have single handedly ruined your relationship as my son"

    A black mist engulfed her, sweeping away what stood as the figure of my mother.

          My surroundings changed again. I was in Wayne Manor this time.  A door appeared out of nothing. I opened it, peeping inside before I entered. I saw my father. He was having a deep conversation with my older step brother Dick.  I leant closer wanting to know the content of their discussion.

Father : he is completely useless, he can't do anything right but complain and make trouble for me wherever he goes, it's starting to make me sick Dick"

Dick : That little brat, makes me so angry I  problems for the titans as well. He isn't opening up to anyone and he treats everyone like dirt!"

Father : he has no heart, he is an assassin who feels nothing. A stone cold killer. At times I wish I never met Talia then I'm sure my life would have been much easier. But instead of fruits for my labor I get a sorry excuse for a son

Dick: your son.....

Father :don't call him that he is not my son. He never was and he never will be.

    The ground shook below me, the tiles crumbled and broke into pieces, the walls were fading into nothingness until I was left afloat and alone in darkness. The memories of what they said played back like a broken cam recorder. I could hear every insult echoing in my head "you'r a disgrace to the AL ghul" , "your nothing " he is not my son ", "weak", "he's a menace "
"that little brat" "you are not my son ".

The words kept coming and coming. I was stuck in a whirlpool of endless curses and spite. I blocked my ears trying to switch off the sounds but they became louder and louder until I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed.

I woke up from that terrible nightmare ,I found myself panting and sweating, I gasped for air. I looked up the ceiling feeling dizzy. I wasn't alone. I could feel someone close to me, it was Raven she had a worried expression on her face, I allowed her soft hands to move and caress my forehead. She was feeling my temperature. I didn't move. s
Slowly her hands trailed downwards to my cheeks slowly caressing it, her hands felt warm and comforting, I stopped breathing heavily and calmed down.

Raven and Damian :we are meant to be together Where stories live. Discover now