Closet Won't Open

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Stephanie was getting ready for a night on the town. She needed something fancy to wear. Her friend, Brittney, was gonna be here, in ten minutes. She figured that there was a dress, she could wear. Stephanie went to her closet, and to her horror, it would not budge. "Stupid closet!" hissed Stephanie. "Open!"

She tried in vain, to open the stubborn closet, to no avail. Brittney arrived at her house, ahead of schedule, and honked the horn. "Shoot, Brittney is here! My closet won't open, and I need to find a fancy outfit to wear! Just my luck!"

"Your ride is here!" yelled her mother, from downstairs.

"I'll be down, soon!" Stephanie yelled back. "Trying to get my closet to open!"

"Is the closet jammed?" asked her mother, walking up the stairs to her room.

"I guess so," sighed Stephanie. "I just wanted a nice outfit to wear for tonight."

"I actually got you a skirt!" said her mother, holding a black leather skirt. "And this white blouse!"

"Oh my gosh!" squealed Stephanie, hugging her mother. "You saved me! Now, I got something fancy to wear! Thank you so much, Mom!"

"Don't mention it, sweetheart!" her mother chuckled. "Quickly get changed, and slip on your high heels!"

Stephanie wasted no time, in getting changed. She was now ready for the night. She looked at herself in the mirror, and was amazed at the beautiful girl, standing before her. Then, she slipped on her shiny, black high heels, and trudged downstairs, and was headed for the door. "Later, Mom!"

"Bye, sweetie!" sang her mother. "Have fun! Love you!"

"Love you, too!" And, she closed the door, behind her, and got in Brittney's 1987 Cadillac DeVille.

"Took you long enough!" scoffed Brittney.

"Sorry, my closet was stuck, when I was trying to find something to wear," said Stephanie. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever, girl! Shut up, and let's have the time of our lives!" exclaimed Brittney. And, then they rode to a dance club, to dance the night away.

This story was written on Tuesday, August 11th, 2020.

A/N Stephanie was lucky that time! That closet can be so stubborn! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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