Wearing Jeans In The Heat

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Tiffany: *wears Wrangler Jeans in the summer heat*

Benjamin: Isn't it hot to be wearing jeans?

Tiffany: What's wrong with wearing jeans, when it's so hot?

Benjamin: Aren't your legs sweaty?

Tiffany: I like to wear jeans. My style.

Me: Exactly! I like to wear jeans, too.

Benjamin: You normally wear jeans in the Fall and Winter.

Tiffany: Dude, I do me, okay? Shut up, and leave me alone.

HigherthanHeaven: Yeah, man. Leave her alone, or I'll beat you to a bloody pulp!

Benjamin: Like to see you try it! *smirking*

HigherthanHeaven: *beats Benjamin to a bloody pulp* I warned you! You ought not to mess with me!

Benjamin: *whimpering* Yes, Ma'am! *runs away like the coward he is*

Tiffany: Girl, that was amazing! You beat that dude up, really good!

Me: I agree! Benjamin is a wuss! He thinks he's all tough and spit, but he's not! You showed him, what you're made of!

HigherthanHeaven: Yes! Benjamin is scared of me, now!

This story was written on Tuesday, August 11th, 2020.

A/N HigherthanHeaven can sure fight! A world class street fighter! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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