Who Doesn't Love White Kit Kats?

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Me: *eating a white chocolate Kit Kat bar*

HermioneGranger5117: Wow, I love those!

Me: I do, too!

eattacos: Who doesn't love White Kit Kats?

Me: Babe, you just said the title of my story!

eattacos: Did I? I had no idea! *laughing* Ain't that a coincidence?

Benjamin: Such a lame title!

Me: Shut it, Benjamin! I am the author, here!

HermioneGranger5117: Exactly!

Benjamin: It's lame!

eattacos: No, it's not.

Benjamin: Lame!

ThrseHoel: You're lame, Benjamin!

Melissahoel1: Burn!

Benjamin: Okay, I'm lame!

HermioneGranger5117: Yay, you admitted it!

This story was written on Thursday, August 27th, 2020.

A/N White chocolate Kit Kats are awesome! And fyi Benjamin, the title is not lame, you are! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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