Benjamin In The Washing Machine

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ThrseHoel: *putting Benjamin in the washer* In you go! *puts detergent on him, and slams the lid shut, and puts the machine on heavy duty, adding hot water*

Washing Machine: *starts up and hot water fills the machine, burning Benjamin*

Benjamin: *from inside the washing machine* Ow!!!!! Get me out here!!!

Me: This is brutal! But, I like it!

Melissahoel1: Benjamin is not getting out of this North Carolina thing, unpunished! Listen to that machine spin!

Benjamin: *getting spined around and is wet and soapy* Help!!!!!! Someone, help me!!!

Warren: *laughing* This is too hilarious!

Stan: *laughing hysterically* I can't..... This is pure comedy right here!

Fred: You said it, brother!

HigherthanHeaven: When the washing machine stops, let's hang Benjamin out to dry! Literally!

All Of Us: *bursts into hysterical laughter*

Benjamin: *getting soap and detergent in his mouth* HELP!!!!!!

This story was written on Monday, August 17th, 2020.

A/N Poor Benjamin! Oh well! 😂😂😂😂😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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