Benjamin And The Sharks

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Benjamin: *in the shark tank, swimming away from the sharks* GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! THIS IS NOT COOL, GUYS!!!

Me: Pure comedy, at it's best!

Stan: Indeed! Those sharks want a meal, they got one!

Fred: We should have put ketchup and mustard on Benjamin, for flavor! Ha ha ha!

Melissahoel1: Fred, you're a riot!

ThrseHoel: A barrel of laughs, he is! Come on, sharks! Enjoy your Benjamin sandwich!

HigherthanHeaven: We'll give him 10 more minutes, then, we can let him out of the tank. Provided, he doesn't become lunch!

All Of Us: *laughing hysterically*

Sharks: *growling and swimming after Benjamin, trying to bite him, but miss*

Benjamin: HELP!!!! *swimming away from the sharks to no avail*

This story was written on Monday, August 17th, 2020.

A/N Will Benjamin make it out of the shark tank alive, or will he be lunch for the sharks? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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