Benjamin Does 100 Push Ups

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Drill Sergeant: Drop and give me 100, boy!

Benjamin: I don't want to!

Melissahoel1: Do what he says, or I will tickle you!

Me: Yeah!

Benjamin: Okay, okay! *does 100 pushups* 1, sir! 2, sir! 3, sir!

Drill Sergeant: You are weak!

ThrseHoel: The weakest link!

Time skip......

Benjamin: *almost there* 97, sir! 98, sir! 99, sir! 100, sir!

ThrseHoel: Good boy!

Benjamin: Hate you guys!

ThrseHoel: Aw, we love you too, Benjamin!

This story was written on Monday, August 24th, 2020.

A/N He's lucky, the drill sergeant didn't have him do 1,000 push-ups! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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