Benjamin Tries To Go To North Carolina

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Benjamin: *packing his suitcase in secret* I gotta hurry this up. There. *zips up his suitcase and leaves the apartment to go hitch a ride*

Warren: Benjamin? Hello? You here?

Benjamin: *on Washington St waiting for a ride* Someone has to take me to North Carolina. *holding his suitcase*

Ken: Where did Benjamin go?

Warren: Not sure......

Female Driver: Can I help you, sir?

Benjamin: Give me a ride to North Carolina! Step on it!

Female Driver: Uh, sure. Get in. Put your suitcase in my trunk.

Benjamin: Thank you so much! *puts his suitcase in the woman's trunk and gets in the front*

Female Driver: I'll probably get you as far as New Haven, okay?

Benjamin: Ok.

Female Driver: *drives out of Washington Plaza and onto Route 66 west towards Meriden*

This story was written on Thursday, August 13th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin has to be tracked down! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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