Benjamin Locked Out In A Thunderstorm

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Benjamin: *outside and is startled by a loud crack of thunder* Yikes! A thunderstorm! I best be getting on home! *runs home and tries to open the door to the apartment but is locked out* What the? Who locked the door? Let me in! It's starting to get nasty out here!

Melissahoel1: I locked the door! I'm a bad girl!

Me: You sure are, hun!

HermioneGranger5117: This is too funny!

ThrseHoel: He better find some shelter!

Another loud crack of thunder has Benjamin cowering.

Benjamin: Please let me in!!!

Fred: Nope!

This story was written on Friday, August 28th, 2020.

A/N Be safe, Benjamin! Ha ha! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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