Speaking Spanish To My Abuela

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gmwells: *speaking Spanish to her grandmother*

Benjamin: Why is she speaking Spanish?

Me: That's her language, Benjamin!

Benjamin: She doesn't look Spanish to me! She's white!

Me: So, what? You got white Hispanics! Not all Hispanics/Latinos are olive skinned people! Ever heard of White Privilege?

Benjamin: No.

Me: You're such a moron!

gmwells: *still speaking Spanish to her grandmother* Okay, Abuela! Adios! Hola, Benjamin! Hola, Will! Coma esta?

Me: Estoy bien! Y tu?

gmwells: Mas o menos.

Benjamin: You ain't fooling me! Speak English!

gmwells: Lo siento! No hablas Inglais!

Benjamin: *growls in frustration*

This story was written on Thursday, August 20th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin, she is a native Spanish speaker! Enough said, amigo! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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