We're Trapped In A Closet! Help!

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Me: *locked in a closet* How did it ever come to this?

gmwells: *locked in a closet with me* Exactly! How are we gonna get out of here, buddy?

HermioneGranger5117: *locked in a closet with us* This is not good! We have to find a way out of the closet!

Melissahoel1: *locked in a closet with us* This is hopeless! *coughs* Aw, come on, not now!

HermioneGranger5117: You okay?

Melissahoel1: Yes, just my asthma acting up, again! I hate it!

HermioneGranger5117: I know how it feels! I have asthma, too!

Melissahoel1: Oof!

HermioneGranger5117: Not fun! Got my inhaler, just in case.

Melissahoel1: Darn it, my inhaler is in my desk drawer! *coughs again* I swear, if I start having an asthma attack......

Me: Oh no!

HermioneGranger5117: You can use mine, if you want! *gives Melissa her inhaler* It's okay to use, I haven't used it. Plus, I have another inhaler, so I won't go empty handed.

Melissahoel1: Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver! *takes a few puffs and inhales* There! Again, thank you so much!

HermioneGranger5117: Don't mention it!

gmwells: Hopefully, someone will come to our rescue!

ThrseHoel: *unlocks the closet and opens it* How did you guys get locked in here?

Me: No idea! Thanks, for unlocking the closet!

Melissahoel1: Oh, sis, thanks so much!

ThrseHoel: Yeah, yeah, come on out of there guys!

All Of Us: *leaves the closet*

This story was written on Thursday, August 20th, 2020.

A/N We finally got out of the closet! Whoo hoo!! Thanks to ThrseHoel! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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